Page 98 of By Any Other Name

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“I’m truly sorry that we had to do this in such an uncouth manner, Miss Capulet. I’d planned to use the complete circle from your pledging ceremony to achieve my objectives, but since you and Mr. Montague have decided to go rouge, so to speak, I’ve had to alter my course.”

My mind spins. What the hell is he talking about? What course?

I pull on my arms again, trying desperately to move. This time, to my great relief, they inch slightly forward. My right eye cracks open the tiniest bit, and pain shoots through my head as light seeps in.

“Whaa,” I manage to moan.

“What’s happening?” he asks pleasantly. “I suppose we could chat while we wait. See, a full circle always allows for an audience with the gods if you’re paying attention. I’ve served faithfully for my entire life, and I’m due a favor I think. I could have simply asked, after all what I want is really advantageous for all of us. Continuing the Order serves everyone.”

I struggle to follow what he’s saying and can’t tell if it’s because of whatever is keeping me from moving or because it’s crazy.

“My line dying out is deviating for not only me, but the entire community. The pact between all the families not only protected magic in this country, it allowed us all to build incredible wealth and influence. Without the Order, you wouldn’t have the life you seem so willing to throw away for a stupid thing like a passing infatuation.”

Anger churns in my gut, not only at the obvious, but at the dismissive condescending words falling from his mouth. If I could shout, I would.I will, I promise myself. I’ll figure this out and I will.

My heart starts to pound faster and I try to sit up again. Thankfully, true to the Councilman’s word, whatever he gave me is starting to wear off. Small comfort. I can finally open my eyes and I blink around trying desperately to clear them.

We’re in a stone room.A crypt,I realize with a shudder.

Don’t panic,I try to tell myself. It will only make a terrible situation ten-times worse.

“If your aunt hadn’t humiliated herself, your family and me when she walked out on our betrothal and left the Order, then you wouldn’t be here right now. You can thank her for this.”

My heart stops.

I have absolutely no memory of that happening. I remember Aunt Angelica leaving. I remember growing up with her as my nanny, being more my mom than my mom was in a lot of ways, but I have no recollection of her being betrothed to Councilman Lawrence.

Moreover, what does he mean? Thank her forwhatexactly? I need him to say what he’s actually planning to do so I can make a plan.

As if he can hear me—or maybe because he sees me twitching and realizes that his time is running out—Councilman Lawrence finally gets to the point.

"Don't worry, Juliette," the Councilman says. "I'm not possessive. After you give me my heir you and Mr. Montague can carry on however you like. Assuming you survive, of course."

Holy shit.

My fear rises impossibly higher as I remember the missing girls. Marcia and the others—the newest one, only the other day. What are the chances that there's another person grabbing girls my age in this town? That the councilman was being difficult about investigating for no reason. Slim to fucking not at all.

I squeeze my eyes. Think.Think. It’s just like a puzzle.

Lawrence might be a pledged Order member and the head of the council, but he’s also eighty and clearly thought he needed to sedate me or he wouldn’t be able to keep me subdued. He was correct.

My hands land flat against the stone I’m lying on and I move my aching muscles, feeling around beside me. My finger tips brush something hard that isn’t rock, and I feel around the edge.

If only it were a knife—a dagger would be so damn helpful right now—but, no. The Councilman isn’t quite that trusting. He did, however, leave a candlestick right next to me.

Is this supposed to be a ritualistic assault? Or maybe he’s planning to spell the spawn into me? I’m not going to find out.

“How is that sedative treating you?” Councilman Lawrence asks almost kindly.

I say nothing, taking slow, deep breaths through my nose waiting for him to get closer.

I hear his feet against the stone, moving toward me.

Closer. Closer.

He leans in, and I feel his breath on my face.

The councilman cries out and reels back from the force of my strike, just as I hear a door creak open from somewhere in the darkness. I sit up, my breathing ragged, adrenaline singing in my veins.

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