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“I’m… I’m sorry about what you just witnessed. That’s… That’s not normal for me, I promise.”

He nods slowly. He’s waiting for me to open up. He’s not pressuring me or anything, but he deserves an answer.

“It’s because… because of…”

Andrew places a hand over mine and shakes his head. “It’s okay, baby. Just tell me when you’re ready.”

“I am… I’m ready.”

Releasing a shaky breath, I focus on his massive hand, the veins, some callouses. “Days after the semester started, I began having these weird feelings, like someone’s watching or following me. I chalked that up to the extreme stress I’m feeling as a graduating student, especially since I’m graduating super early. One time, I just finished brushing my teeth and was about to sit at my desk when I noticed something move by the tree right in front of my window. My room is on the second floor.

“I convinced myself I was being paranoid because no one’s ever approached me or anything. One time, I was in the library working on a report. I didn’t notice the time until the librarian told me they were closing. My building is around four blocks from the library and it was well-lit so I wasn’t worried. I was already two blocks in when I noticed a rock roll behind me. I looked around and saw no one. By then, I knew someone must be following me.

“He must’ve accidentally kicked the rock because there’s no other explanation, right? The street was deserted so I increased my pace. I was half-walking, half-running. By the third block, he must’ve abandoned all pretenses of ‘not following’ me because I could hear thuds on the hard pavement, harsh breathing, and a jingling of keys. I was close to losing it when someone from another dorm walked out while talking on the phone. I recognized her and immediately realized she was in one of my classes.

“I ran to her and was right in front of her when I finally had the guts to look behind me. No one. There was no one. I asked her if she saw anyone following me, but she said she didn’t see anything.”

Finally, I raise my eyes and hold Andrew’s gaze. “He became bolder after that. Leaving flowers, chocolates, and small gifts in my locker. One time, I found a KitKat bar in my gym shoes. It’s been radio silent for the past two weeks, and I thought I’m done being afraid. But he just sent me a text asking where I am and he attached a photo of me leaving my dorm on Friday. He’s never reached out to me like that before.”

My eyes prick with tears, and I blink them back. Andrew reaches out and grazes my cheek with his knuckle. He tips my face and wipes away a stray tear. He’s gentle with me, but his eyes say something else. He’s angry. No, not just that. He’s furious. A vein on his forehead pulses and his nostrils flare.

He doesn’t say anything as if he can’t trust himself. When he speaks, his voice is low and menacing. “Andrea, listen to me. I won’t let anyone hurt you. I won’t let anyone make you feel like this, like you’re always looking over your shoulder expecting your stalker to come out of the shadows. I will find him and I’ll make him pay.”

I bite my lip to stop myself from crying again, but it’s no use. Tears roll down my cheek. He cups the back of my head and holds me close. “Just one question.”

“What is it?” I sniffle.

“You ever told your dad?”

“No. I didn’t want to worry him.”


“I know, Andrew, I know. But I wasn’t sure for the first few times. I didn’t have evidence to back up my claims. I mean, anyone could have given me the flowers and chocolates. But I just know. I can feel it’s all him.”

“Keep that message, screenshot it with the number, and send it to me.”


He holds my hands in his and kisses my knuckles. “I’m gonna find a way to look after you even if I’m working at the hospital. That’s more than an hour away, but I swear to you I’ll take care of it. Whether you want to tell your dad or not, that’s up to you. But if this stalker so much as comes anywhere near you, I’ll make sure he ends up in the ER. I’ll put him there myself.”

His voice is full of conviction. He’s not kidding. He’s not bluffing either. It’s crystal clear that he’s the type of guy who’ll keep his word. Whatever lingering fears I have are gone in this moment because he makes me feel safe. I pity this faceless stalker who thinks he can take on Andrew.



I’m still vibrating with anger. After Andrea kicks me out of the kitchen, saying she’ll just end up burning our dinner if I continue to hover, I look for something to do outside and find a loose floorboard on the veranda.

I have to channel my aggression.

Grabbing a hammer and a couple of nails, I focus on the sharp, metallic sound as I drive the nail into the wood. My hits are quick and precise because I’ve been doing minor repairs here for years. I grip the hammer so tight my knuckles are white.

That motherfucker.

Fierce protectiveness roars through me whenever I recall how her face looked when she was having a panic attack. Her breath was shallow and erratic, face pale, sweat making her hair stick to her skin. She was cold and clammy, and I summoned everything I know about panic attacks to reach her, to reach deep into her and pull her back out.

He’s gonna pay. Whoever he is, he won’t walk away scot-free.
