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I want to show her off in public, let the whole world know she’s mine. “Look everybody, I won.” Won what? “The entire game of life, that’s what. Because I got the one thing no one in this world has or will ever have. Her…and she’s everything. And she’s mine. Mine and only mine.”

Telling my best friend will make him uncomfortable. And uncomfortable people usually resort to anger. But he’ll get over it even if she is his only child. He’ll have to. I’m his best friend of more than two decades and I know him better than anyone, which means I’m going to find a way for this to work…for all of us.

Besides, it’s not like we planned to get together behind his back.

I have no idea how I’m gonna tell Paul but I will. Sooner rather than later. He has no choice but to accept it because Andrea’s it for me. I won’t be in her life temporarily. No way. She’s mine. She’ll forever be mine. Till we’re old and fucking gray. Kids—lots of them. Our own home.

No way I’m letting her go. Especially if it’s just to please her father.

Then there’s the matter of her stalker. I’ll need to talk to campus security and let them know. But of course, I need to find out who this bastard is myself. No way I outsource my family’s safety.

Maybe I’ll even rearrange his face a little bit. Or a lot. Depends on my mood, but it’s certainly leaning toward the latter.

Because if there’s something he needs to know, it’s that I take threats seriously. Especially if it involves my girl. Even if he thinks it’s all fun and games, I won’t ever treat it as such. And I’ll make that clear. So fucking clear he’s gonna steer clear of her if he knows what’s good for him.

Another hour later, we arrive at her dorm. It’s right in the middle of her bustling campus. Made of brick and stone, lots of large windows. The entrance is flanked by tall columns and a set of double doors made of rich polished wood.

Boys or men who aren’t their fathers or brothers aren’t allowed inside, so I just watch her walk up the stairs to the second floor, admiring the way her hips sway. Hips that I’ve held on to while thrusting.

Fuck, stop it. This is a college dorm. One of the last places you want to be seen with a hard-on. When she waves to me from her second-floor window, I get into my truck and drive away. I’m starting my shift in about 12 hours so I have to get back to my condo.

Stopping at the gas station, I reach for my wallet when I notice Andrea’s purse on her seat. Shit. It’s black so we both didn’t notice it. I hurry in filling up my truck and turn around to drive back. I’ve only been gone an hour, but very few students are still milling about campus. A couple of turns later and I’m only a few blocks to her dorm and there’s barely a single soul still awake. Most of the lights are still on though.

I turn to her building.

I’m still in the driver’s seat, holding her purse and dialing her number, when I notice movement in the shadows. I think nothing of it at first. Might be a cat. Or a couple of kids making out.

Her phone keeps ringing and I wonder if she’s already asleep. I don’t know what pushes me to look closer at the moving shadows, but the moment I do, I see spots in my vision, a burning sensation deep in my gut.

Andrea. She’s in one corner, wrapping her arms around her tiny body while shaking her head repeatedly. The guy is in front of her, holding her elbow.

I’ve never moved so fast in my life. One minute, I’m still in my car. The next, my feet are pounding against the pavement as I run towards her like I’ve been shot out of a cannon.

The closer I get, I notice he’s no college frat boy. He’s wearing tailored trousers and a blazer. His hair is messy, looking like he’s been pulling at it in frustration. But he’s tall, almost as tall as me, and well-built. Solid.

Doesn’t matter. I can still pound him to the ground.

Andrea’s eyes widen when she sees me, but I don’t give the other man time to react. I grab the back of his collar and throw him into the nearby shrubs like the bag of trash that he is.

Boiling fury swells inside me. Pulse speeding up, my head is spinning and threatening to explode. I need to keep it all under control, but I can’t. He touched my girl. If I didn’t arrive, who knows what would have happened? This fucker is gonna pay. I don’t give a shit who he is. He can own the school for all I care. No one touches my girl. No one corners her.

I’m not sure if this jealous and possessive side of me has always been here, just dormant. But I’m well aware I’ve just become a different man since Andrea. I think about that as my muscles coil like a tightly wound spring and my gaze narrows with focused intensity.

In an explosive burst of motion, my fist cuts through the air, connecting with his jaw with a resounding crack.

Like I said, I’m generally calm, cool, and collected, not someone prone to raw displays of force. But like what this guy has just learned, when it comes to my girl, all bets are off. I become feral.



Andrew stands there, panting heavily, stalking toward him like a deadly predator.

I’m still rooted to the spot. I was out to grab a midnight snack from the nearby convenience store when I realized I forgot my purse in my bedroom. I was walking back when I heard the unmistakable crunch of footsteps on the gravel. My adrenaline kicked in and I ran, willing to scream at the top of my lungs if needed.

Just as I was about to throw open the door, someone grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

Professor Derek Blaine.
