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“Fine. I get it. You’re still shocked.”

He starts pacing the room, running a hand across his jaw. “I mean, I haven’t done this in a while so I’m a little rusty.”

Haven’t done it in a while? What? Kidnap girls and take them to his place?

He pulls a stool and slides it in front of the bed, sitting on it and crossing his legs. “God, you’re beautiful. I’ve never seen anyone look like you. They all pale in comparison to you, you know.”

They? Oh my God. How many victims are there? How many survived? Will I even make it out alive?

“You’re the longest I pursued, did you know? I usually don’t take more than two weeks. But man, your beauty throws me. I couldn’t even think, couldn’t function the first time I saw you. When I found out you were in my class, I realized it was fate. The universe wants us to be together.”

Wait. “Were you the one stalking me?”

He scoffs and folds his arms across his chest. “I’m not a stalker.”

“But you were following me.”

“I did. But I couldn’t help myself. I had to get closer to you. Fuck, do you have any idea how good you smell? I spent an entire day at a women’s fragrance section looking for your perfume.”

I don’t want to hear anymore, but I also know I need to keep him talking. If he’s busy running his mouth, it will give me more time to think of an escape—if there’s one.

“I wanted to take your panties from your dorm room, but damn, you girls notice everything, don’t you? I don’t even get inside the doors and all these college chicks are like, ‘What are you doing here? It’s just for girls!’ Blah, blah, blah.”

His smile drops, eyes unfocused. He lowers his voice as his gaze snaps to me. “Why don’t you like me? I don’t look bad. I spend twenty hours a week at the gym. I’m smart, too. Is it because I’m not rich?”

He abruptly stands up, stool toppling behind him. He stalks toward me and I inch closer to the corner. “Is it because I’m not as rich as the guy you’re seeing?”

My eyes widen and he laughs. He doubles over and clutches his stomach like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever said. “You think I’m stupid? You think I don’t know the guy who punched me is your boyfriend? He says he’s your dad’s friend. I think that’s true. So… you like older men, huh? Older but rich.”

This one-sided conversation has taken on a dangerous turn, and I’m once again too frightened to do anything. “You’re a b—”

We both turn at the same time as something cuts through the sound of rain outside. A car engine rumbling in the distance. It draws closer, tires crunching on the gravel road and headlights piercing through the veil of darkness, casting long shadows on the cabin walls.

My mind races and the tension inside thickens. Professor Blaine swings his gaze to me, eyes burning with fury.

“No, no, no. Please!”

Instead of coming to me, he runs out, slams the door, and locks it. I can’t see anything from where I am, so I quickly look for something, anything to cut these ropes. I walk slowly to the door but immediately stop when I hear the unmistakable sound of a shotgun going off.



It has taken more than thirty minutes to finally locate the cabin. The engine roars as I speed down the winding road. Desolate woods looming on either side. No wonder he chose this place.

The cabin comes into view. It’s small and easy to miss unless you’re actually looking for it.

The truck skids to a halt and I turn it off. He’s most likely watching me right now, waiting for my next move. Adrenaline is pumping in my veins, my whole body primed for a fight. Slowly, I unlock the doors and step out, eyes never leaving the porch.

Blaine emerges from the door, hands holding a shotgun. Its gleaming barrel points at me. His eyes meet mine, a grin spreading across his face.

This motherfucker is sick.

“Release her, Blaine. You’ve played this game for far too long. It ends now.”

“Nah, I think I’ll keep her. She’s mine now.”

The odds are stacked against me. But every minute I waste here talking to this lunatic is a minute Andrea spends in fear. I need to take care of this monster. Need to do it now.
