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“Right, right.”

I lean back and put considerable distance between my knees, spreading wide as I try and buy some relief for the throbbing need between my legs. With my hands clasped behind my head, I look around before landing my gaze on hers. “I honestly don’t know.”

“Ooookkkkaaaayyy,” she rolls her eyes, and my dick twitches. I’m gonna make her do that when she’s writhing underneath me.

“No, I’m serious. Just ask your dad.”

The air shifts between us. Jesus Christ. Why did I have to bring up Paul?

“When I was a kid, I wanted to be a garbage collector. By high school, I wanted to be a firefighter. Then, while filling up my college application, I realized I wanted to be someone who gets paid a lot. So it was either a doctor or a lawyer.”

“I feel like you’re not finished.”

I smile at her. Beautiful AND perceptive. I like it. I like it a lot.

“I was still in it for the money even while I was interning. One day, I was eating at a fast food restaurant when someone fell to the floor and started having epileptic seizures. Whatever I learned in school and while at the hospital kicked in. It wasn’t until I escorted him to the hospital and the doctor told me he would’ve died without my help when I realized I just saved a man’s life.”

I pause at the memory, still fresh even after all these years. “That shit’s addicting. That feeling of saving lives.”

“That’s a beautiful answer,” she breathes but seems to catch herself. “Okay, so next. What’s the best thing about your job? Although, on second thought, I think you’ve already answered that.”

I open my mouth to speak when we hear the distant rumble of thunder. Turning to my left, I look out the terrace to find dark, billowing clouds gathering ominously on the horizon. The sky quickly darkens and the light rain has now become a torrential downpour. I quickly get up to close the glass door.

Andrea does the same as she locks all the windows.

The wind intensifies. She gasps loudly when the thunderclaps boom, shaking the ground beneath our feet. The rain falls harder, lashing against the windows and roof, creating a deafening roar. As expected, light begins to flicker in and out.

Seconds later, power’s out and darkness envelops the house.

Andrea lets out a high-pitched shriek and I run to her.

“Andrea? I’m here.” Without thinking twice, I take her in my arms, finding that she’s slightly trembling. We stay like that for a few minutes, neither of us wanting to be the first to pull back.

The sound of rain pelting against the windows and the howling outside are the only sounds we can hear. The only illumination comes from the occasional lightning strike that casts a brief, blinding glow throughout the living room.

Ever so slowly, I become fully aware of the proximity of our bodies. Andrea’s so tiny she doesn’t even reach my shoulder. She presses her face to my chest, arms wrapped around my waist. I run a hand up and down her back, trying to soothe her or give in to the raw need to feel her skin, I don’t know.

Another thunder.

It echoes throughout the house, shaking the walls and vibrating through the floors. We listen to the creaking sound of swaying trees. But between her and me, temperature rises rapidly. The air is hot and humid. My skin starting to burn where we touch.

Her quick breaths. Arms tightening. Wait… Is she???

No. That can’t be.

She moves one leg between mine, her hips just below my crotch. This is a very bad time to be aroused. But I guess my body has gone rogue and just does whatever it wants because I become rock-hard for the third time in the past hour.

Minus all our clothes, my manhood is resting firmly on her stomach. At first, I think she’s not going to notice, but then, she presses her body closer to me.

And I know, I KNOW, she knows what’s that thick sword between our bodies.

“Andrea…” I groan raggedly, releasing her and letting my hands fall to my sides. A man can only have so much self-control. And mine’s slipping. And it’s slipping fast.

“Yes?” She looks up at me, lips parting on unsteady inhales.

A sudden lightning lights us in a blinding flash, but I swear I see not just innocence in her eyes, but desire… much like my own.

I exhale forcefully through my nose. A few minutes ago, my head swam with lust. Now that it's dangerously close to happening, I’m not so sure. She is, after all, my best friend’s daughter. I don’t want to take advantage. I don’t want her to think this is what I usually do to young girls wanting to interview me.
