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He raises a brow and points a fork at me. “We don’t use that word here. Besides, you look good enough to eat…as always.”

Rolling my eyes at him, I start tearing into a piece of bacon and shove it in my mouth. Kind of reminds me of the first breakfast we had together. “I know I don’t look my best, okay? You don’t have to lie to me.”

Andrew furrows his forehead in genuine confusion, reaching over the counter to take my hand in his. “Baby, I never lie to you. You’re still and will always be the sexiest, most beautiful woman to me. You can stop showering for three days and I’ll still eat you like you’re the only cure for my starvation.”

“Ew! You don’t mean that,” I say, my eyes wide and jaw hanging open.

He smirks at me over the rim of his cup. “Wanna bet?”

Oh, I don’t doubt he’d do that. We got married two months after his proposal. After the wedding, he whisked me away to the Maldives where we spent the next seven days swimming and humping like rabbits. He’s insatiable. But so am I when it comes to him.

We stayed in a water villa, but I must’ve been so loud because I got weird looks the following morning at breakfast. I also don’t doubt it was where Amelia was conceived.

So basically, when we found out I was pregnant, it didn’t come as a surprise. But we were both over the moon. So was Dad.

This past year, my husband and father went back to being best friends. It helped that Andrew saved me from that psycho professor. Dad knows Andrew will always keep me safe and happy. Besides, he also found someone to share his life with. It’s too early to tell if they’ll end up getting married, but I haven’t seen him this happy in a while. He met her three months ago when she came to his office for a consultation.

They hit it off quickly. When he asked her for a coffee date, she said yes, and the rest is history. She’s lovely and nice. Besides, she loves Amelia as much as Dad. I can tell by the way her eyes light up when she takes Amelia in her arms.

Dad deserves to be happy, too, and I think he’s just found his person.

In fact, they’re probably on their way here for lunch.

As if on cue, we hear a knock on the front door.

Andrew gets up and kisses the top of my head. “Well, they’re early.”

Amelia starts crying and my maternal instincts kick in. I rush to take her from her bouncer and gather her into my arms, cradling her against my chest. Amelia’s cries transform into soft whimpers and gradually quiet into a murmur.

I gaze into her eyes, wide and innocent, and I know I will protect her with my life. Her tiny fingers curl around my own, and I raise it to my lips, kissing her hand.

This is the scene Andrew, Dad, and his girlfriend walk into seeing the love we all share…together, as one big happy family.



Sun rising over the horizon, air infused with the scent of saltwater. Sound of crashing waves.


It’s been two months since we last came to our beach house. OURS. A decade ago, this was my sanctuary. A place where I enjoyed being alone. No other soul within miles. No one to shatter my peace. Where I could do whatever I wanted. Where I could regroup. Destress. Decompress. Take a break from studying patients’ charts, mentally going through the next operation, taking calls in the middle of the night.

Now, there’s chaos everywhere.

Sand on the floor. Toys on the couch. Half-finished snacks on the kitchen counter. Nursery rhymes blaring on the speakers. Cartoons on TV no one’s paying attention to. Shouting. Laughing.

My wife is busy slathering sunscreen on our three kids—Amelia, Alec, and Andy—while I’m on barbecue duty. Whenever we’re here, I’m always the grill master. A beer in one hand and tongs in the other. I take this responsibility very seriously.

Flames lick the grill gate as I flip the burgers and brush sauce on the ribs. Alec stands beside me, watching my every move with eager curiosity.

“Alec, go get the condiments. Amelia, set up the table. Andy, grab the cold drinks from the fridge.”

“But I wanna swim already,” Amelia whines.

“Let’s eat first then you can swim all you want,” I tell her.

She pouts but does what she’s told anyway.
