Page 90 of Her Improper Desire

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"I'm n-not—-"

"Then why have your nipples been fucking erect the moment I came here?"

His secretary cried out in outrage, but Ilyas didn't give a fuck.

"Admit it," Ilyas crooned. "You want me—-"

"Stop putting words in my mouth," Ember finally managed to choke out.

"What for? So I can stuff your mouth with something else?"

The lazy amusement in Ilyas' glittering gaze was something Ember knew she was better off ignoring.

(No say it, no say it, no say it, no say it)

But in the end she still heard herself whisper,"You brute..."

Chapter Two

Ilyas yanked her headback without warning, and as Ember's lips parted in surprise, the sheikh thrust his cock forward...and all the way down to her throat.

Oh God.

Tears stung her eyes, and Ember gagged and choked while nearly seeing stars.

The sheikh pulled his cock out. "Poor little chick."

Little chick?

"Is my cock too big for you?"

Oh God, he was crooning again.

"Too thick?"
