Page 99 of Her Improper Desire

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"I do! I do hate it!"

But the sheikh easily proved her wrong, with the way her body arched up the moment he started rubbing her nipple between his fingers.

"Stop it!"

Ilyas' touch turned rough, but this only made her lovely pink bud tighten in arousal. "Your body says you're lying," the sheikh crooned.

"Fuck you—-"

"Soon," Ilyas whispered. "I'm going to fuck you. It's a promise."

"Shut up!"

"But for now..."

Ilyas used his free hand to force her legs open...and just as her pussy was about to be bared to his sight—-


Was that a fucking kitten?

"The kitty," Ember gasped.

Ilyas glanced over his shoulder...and that was when he woke up.


Ilyas stared down at his naked body in frustration. His head hurt like shit, his balls ached like hell, and his throbbing cock felt like it had been fucking hard for hours.

He had never had a wet dream in his entire fucking life, so why the hell did the first one have to be of his nerdy and troublesome secretary?

His head started to pound as he got out of bed, and Ilyas cursed under his breath.

This was precisely why he was always so careful about not drinking past his limit. His hangovers were always the fucking worst, and it often messed up with his now.

A frown creased his forehead as he skimmed his surroundings with an impatient gaze. Apparently, he had gone straight here in the office from the party...and crashed in the spare bedroom across Ember's. While he couldn't rememberwhyhe had come here in the first place, but, a fleeting memory of a kitten clawing his hand flashed in his mind, and Ilyas swiftly reached for his pants.

C'mon kitten, show yourself.

He nearly turned the whole place upside down looking for the furry little thing, but it was as if he had only imagined it.

And maybe he had?

If the kitten was only a dream,Ilyas reasoned broodingly to himself,then everything else had to be a dream as well.

Ilyas headed back to the hotel feeling strangely restless while doing his best to ignore the pounding in his head. A hot shower did little to ease his hangover, and Ilyas was forced to order room service for lunch.

Another hour passed, and Ilyas started to seethe.

Where the fuck was his secretary?

Ember had just stepped out of the dean's office when her phone started to vibrate inside of her pocket.


She answered the call but failed to get a single word out with the sheikh already roaring into her ear.

"Where the hell are you?"
