Page 10 of Four for a Boy

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“That’s exactly what you meant to do, and you did.” Chad glanced at Ally. “You could’ve warned me Josh was in the back.”

“It was more entertaining to watch him scare the shit out of you.”

Josh beamed. “Almost as scary as taking a piss by the side of the road and finding a body.”

“Inappropriate.” Ally shook her head. “But true.”

“Unless what?” Chad sighed.

He stiffened at both Ally and Josh’s eyes on him.

“Josh, you were questioning whether it was murder or not? Unless what?”

“Oh. That. Justin went missing after a night out at The Desperado. I go there sometimes, and it’s not cheap. It’s ten quid for a pint, and I swear they water it down—”

“Stick to the topic.” Ally said, flashing her eyes at him through the mirror.

“Right. So it’s expensive, Justin’s short on funds, so rather than pay for a taxi, he decides to walk home fifteen miles, has a heart attack, and takes a tumble into the bushes.”

“No one does that.”

“My uncle had a heart attack.”

Ally threw Chad a frustrated look. “Not the heart attack. I mean, the walking fifteen miles home after a night out.”

“I’ve done it.”

“You live less than a mile from The Desperado! He’s been found fifteen miles away, in the opposite direction to his home.”

“He could’ve been confused. Walked the wrong way.”

“For fifteen miles.” Ally groaned, “Chad, could you…”

He nodded and took over talking to Josh. “It’s a busy stretch of road. Someone would have seen him if he walked along it for any length of time.”

“It was a good theory, though, right?”

“One of the best you’ve come up with.”

“Which isn’t saying much.” Ally muttered.

“We’re not ruling it out.” Chad blurted. “It’s plausible, Josh. Good work.”

“Thanks, Chad.” He leaned into his seat with a pleased sigh. “That means a lot.”


Ally steered around the road closed sign before coming to a stop in front of a police blockade. “What the hell?” she hissed, bringing down the window.

An officer ducked his head into the car. He lifted the top of his jumper to cover his mouth and nose. “You can’t get any closer.”

Chad peered ahead and fixed his sight on the two white tents. A figure walked out of one of the tents, wearing a head-to-toe protective suit.

It was the addition of the mask that had Chad tugging on Ally’s arm.

“They’re wearing respirators.” Chad leaned past Ally to speak to the officer. “Why are they wearing respirators?”

“They think there’s some kind of chemical on the body. A few officers have reported feeling disorientated, and the truck driver complained of a headache and a sore throat. It’s precautionary, but just in case it’s more sinister, no closer.”
