Page 9 of Four for a Boy

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“Did you just … did you put something in my hair?”

“Enjoy your lie-in,” Chad said, before rushing out the door. Romeo cursed and pursued him, but a knock at the front door forced him to retreat to the bedroom with a scowl and the threat of punishment later.

Chad opened the door. “Hey.”

Ally frowned. A purple scarf was wrapped around her mouth, continuing her obsession with the color. A purple hue to her hair and thick framed purple glasses weren’t enough apparently. She pressed down the top of her scarf to speak to him. “Hey … you’re smiling.”


“It’s 3:00 in the morning, it’s fucking freezing. We’ve just been called out to see a body, and you’re smiling…”

The adrenaline in Chad’s system took the edge off the chill.

“I’m not smiling because of any of that.” Chad took a step towards the car, but paused when Ally didn’t follow him. “What’s wrong?”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Chad shot panicked glance at the house. “No, I don’t think so.”

“The door, Chad.” Ally rolled her eyes. “You can’t leave it unlocked.”

“Right. Yeah.” He rushed over and locked it, but Ally continued to stare at him.

“Give me a break,” He shrugged, “it’s 3:00 in the morning and it’sfreezing.”

Ally tutted. “Did you remember to brush your teeth and change your underwear?”

“Very funny.” Chad strode over to the passenger side and looked at Ally across the top of the car. “Let’s hear it then.”

Ally huffed and hurried over. She flung open her door, and Chad did the same just as she began talking. “Officially, we have a deceased male dumped in shrubbery in a layby on the A505.”

“And unofficially?”

She started the car and then took off down the track. “Justin Fen has been found. He’s not been formally identified yet, but from what the DI said, the description matches, and he’s wearing the clothes he went out in.”

Chad nodded. “Cause of death?”

“Nothing obvious. It would be really handy if an axe was embedded in his skull, but unfortunately not this time.”

“Found by?”

“A trucker who pulled up at the side of the road for a piss.”

Chad grimaced. “Nice.”

“Gave him the fright of his life I imagine.” Ally turned right at the end of the road. “So, Justin Fen. What do you know?”

“He went out clubbing Saturday night at The Desperado, didn’t return home, and was reported missing by his flat mate the next day. His face is all over social media, spreading locally, but there’s been no sightings.”

“He hadn’t even been gone long enough for it to be deemed a missing persons case. Now it’s murder.”


Chad leapt forward in his seat at the new voice. He clutched his chest and swung around to look into the back.

Josh chuckled under his breath. Even in the darkened backseat, his blond hair shone, and his eyes sparkled. Chad cursed himself for not noticing he was there. Josh wasn’t exactly small. His huge build took up most of the seats.

“Didn’t mean to startle you.”
