Page 18 of Four for a Boy

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Huge glass windows exposed the small tables inside. A surfboard with the word ‘open’ was propped up against the quaint little door most people would have to duck to get through.

It looked nice, but Chad couldn’t focus on those nicer aspects, his gaze fixed on the name of the shop.


He blinked and looked again, certain he’d seen wrong, but no, the café was called DIE.

He licked his lips, tilting his head closer to Ally. “Die? How welcoming.”

Ally pulled up beside the café. “It’s German for The.”

“The,” Chad said, blinking. “That’s original. NotThecafe, just The.”

“It’s clever, don’t you think?”

No. Chad did not think so. Why would someone call a shopThe?

Josh burst out laughing in the back. Chad and Ally both twisted to face him.

“You two need to get out more.”

“I’m too old for this shit,” Ally said, gesturing at the busy street.

“The shop is called TIDE,” Josh said. “Hence the beach theme. They’re turning the tide on global warming. Get it.”

Ally smacked the steering wheel. “What, by planting a few daisies and having an organic pasty on the menu?”

Josh rolled his eyes. “Someone has stolen the T again and rearranged the letters. I’m sure it’s completely unconnected to our case.”

“It’s a bad omen, though, isn’t it?” Ally sighed. “Another one. Romeo. Of all the names in the world, why that one? My gut’s telling me this is going to be a bad one.”

“Romeo Knight is dead. He’s been dead almost three years Ally,” Chad said.

Josh shoved his face between them. “Not to be funny—”

“You never are,” Ally added.

“But Romeo Knight didn’t invent the name Romeo. It was a famous name before him, you know, Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, and it’s a nice sounding name.” He paused and glanced at Chad. “No offence.”

“I’m not offended.”

“All I’m saying is there are other Romeos near and far, and this case might not have anything to do with Romeo Knight.”

“I agree with Josh.”


Chad rubbed his temple. “What?”

Josh shuffled. “It could be to do with that new documentary series.”

Chad didn’t ask what series. They all knew. Some big-wig TV executive had decided to make a three part series on ‘The Countdown Killer’. Chad had refused to watch it, but Romeo had been intrigued and watched it in one night.

Every time the world started losing interest in Romeo and his spree, someone would put him back in the spotlight and Chad was dragged along for the ride.

“Sorry.” Josh said softly.

“There’s no need to apologize.”
