Page 19 of Four for a Boy

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Ally shot Chad a glance.

“The killer could be a fan, he could be trying to unsettle Chad, or … the killer could be Romeo himself.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Chad snapped. He took a deep breath to force down his anger. “What happened to not speculating?”

“I think we should keep an open mind, that’s all,” Ally said, flinging open her door.

“You can’t park here.”

“Chad, we’re detectives—we can park wherever the hell we want.”

He sighed and slipped off his seatbelt.

The first thing to hit Chad was the sound. Thumps and bangs. The noise of diggers, heavy machinery, and engines rumbling. The second thing that swamped Chad’s senses was the smell. Garbage. He turned his nose towards the road, unable to see the truck, but able to smell it had passed by not too long ago. Living in the countryside with Romeo had cleaned his senses, making it more difficult to accept the smell of the city.

“Lovely,” Ally muttered. “Just the thing to settle my empty stomach.”

“Rather that than a full one.”

Dust drifted over the buildings, blurring the sun. It dropped a haze over everything. Chad ran his gaze along the shops, other than the cafe called DIE nothing stood out, there was a pet shop, jewelers, several clothing shops, and a few other food places.

The Desperado towered over them, triple the height of any other building on the street, except the one being renovated at the end of the road.

“I can’t believe they’ve closed down Clarksons.” Ally sighed. “It’s the end of an era.”

Josh shrugged. “An old era that nobody wants.”

“Dancing around and making a prat of yourself more important that food, is it?”


Chad stared at the man jogging towards him. He had more buttons undone than fastened, and as he ran his shirt flapped. Black pants, black shoes, and a huge quiff in his hair, reminiscent of Elvis.

Josh rolled his eyes as the stranger skidded to a stop in front of them.

“That’s Pete Jamerson,” Josh murmured for Chad’s ears only.

Smartly dressed minus fastened buttons. Handsome, and smug like he knew it.

“Tragic news. Justin … well, he was a favorite here.”

“A favorite?” Chad asked.

“With the staff. He was a regular, polite, charming.” Pete turned to Chad. “A handsome young man that spent a lot of money in my club.”

Pete held out his hand, giving Chad no option but to shake it. He kept it as brief as possible, but knew it jarred Pete to have his hand flung away.

Pete darted a look at Josh. “Am I sweaty or something?”

“Nah, he doesn’t like being touched,” Josh said, before shrinking under Chad’s pressing gaze. “Sorry.”

Ally stepped forward. “Can we look around The Desperado?”

“Of course, but…”


“Justin went missing two night ago, we’ve opened since. There’s no evidence to be found.”
