Page 21 of Four for a Boy

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“Could you imagine what the walls and floors would look like under a UV light?” Ally shuddered. “The smell was enough. Sweat, urine, and the undercurrent of sticky alcohol.”

Chad hummed along, half listening. Ally slapped his hand. “Ouch.”

“Don’t ignore me.”

“Sorry, I was…”

“What exactly?” Ally said, looking up and down the street.

“I don’t know.”

Josh passed the opening to the ally with Pete’s arm around his shoulders. “You know I love the place.”

Pete grinned, reaching into his pocket. “In that case, here are some VIP passes. It’s a themed event.”

Josh took them with awe on his face.

“What’s the theme?” Ally asked.

“Villains.” Pete’s eyes sparkled. “I thought I’d put my Halloween props to good use. It’s such a shame we only have them out once a year. Think of it as a mid-March Halloween party.”

“Villains?” Ally repeated.

“Murderers, serial killers, ghosts, ghouls, fictional or otherwise. I’m encouraging everyone to dress up as their favorite villain.”

Chad scrunched his face up, awaiting Ally’s reaction.

She pushed off from the wall. “Have you lost your goddamn mind?”

It was tamer than Chad had expected. He was almost disappointed she didn’t curse or throw her shoe at Pete.

“I assure you, detective, my mind is in perfect working order.”

“Well, it isn’t. One of yourfavoritecustomers has been killed, and you choose to have a themed night celebrating villains?”

“It’s a coincidence. An unfortunate timing of events. The villain night has been on our books long before this tragedy.”

“You could change the theme?”

“The decorations and props are already paid for. My customers are expecting blood bubbles, and scares. I can’t disappoint them. Themed nights, especially horror ones, always do well. People love the macabre. I’m anticipating a packed nightclub.”

Ally flung her hands up. “Well, that’s okay then.”

“I knew you’d see it from my point of view.”

“I was being sarcastic, you complete idiot. What about the friends and family of the victim?”

Pete pressed his lips in a grim smile. “Tragic, so tragic, but it’s your job to find the killer and give them peace of mind, not mine. My job is to keep money in my and my staff’s pockets.” He glanced at Josh. “There are two tickets. I hope to see you there.”

He turned and strolled back into his club. Ally reached for her handcuffs, but Chad stopped her. “You know full well you can’t arrest him.”

“He’s a suspect.”

Chad sighed. “He has an alibi, remember? He wasn’t even at the club that night, he was with his wife and kids.”

“A serial killer night?” Ally shook her head. “What is wrong with people?”

Josh fanned the tickets in his face. “I think it’s a good idea.”
