Page 23 of Four for a Boy

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Chad and Ally stared at him.

Josh stopped pondering. “What? He’s what got me interested in being a detective in the first place. Don’t we all have a story like that? Watching or seeing a bad guy got us interested in joining the homicide department.”

“I’ve never encountered a killer who eats brains.” Ally muttered. “Plenty who rape, and murder and defile their victims.” Ally threw Josh the keys and shooed him away. “Get the car.”

“I’m on it.” He ran out of earshot.

“He’sa detective.”

“His idea wasn’t terrible.”


He held up his hands. “I’m just saying, if no one comes forward with any information, going undercover might not be such a bad idea.”

“It’s a villain themed night…”

Chad’s stomach twisted. “Yeah, well … that’s unfortunate.”

Chapter Four

Romeo greeted Chad at the door with a small smile. It dimmed in sympathy. “Tired?”

Chad marched into his arms and dropped his forehead down on Romeo’s collarbone with a thump. “I’m glad today is over.”

Romeo ran his hands up Chad’s chest and over his shoulders to remove his jacket. “I’ve done your favorite…”

“My favorite?” Chad frowned against Romeo’s t-shirt. “You hate my favorite.”

“I don’thatepizza, it’s just not in my top twenty meals. You love it, so I made it.”

Chad leaned back and studied Romeo. Something shifted in his eyes. His body twitched with eagerness.

“Why were you at the crime scene?”

Romeo nudged Chad’s shoe with his foot, reminding him to take them off. Chad sighed and slipped out of them. “Are you going to answer me?”

“I wasn’t at thecrimescene.”

“You were at a place of interest. The nightclub. That’s where Justin was last seen.”

Romeo ushered him towards the kitchen. Chad froze in the doorway with his eyes locked on the candles flickering on the table. There were napkins, flowers, and full-to-the-top wine glasses. Chad’s heart rate soared. He didn’t turn back to Romeo and tried to think about what anniversary he’d forgotten.

Was it the first day they met? Chad didn’t consider that day anything to be celebrated, being knocked over the head with a rock and locked in a barn wasn’t his fondest memory, but Romeo thought about things differently.

He might have looked back on that day as the start of their romance.

“I can practically hear the cogs in your brain turning.”

Chad swallowed and gestured to the table. “What are we celebrating?”

Romeo looked, too. “Nothing…”


“Yet.” He pulled a seat out for Chad. “Sit.”

Chad lowered himself onto the chair, as he eyed the table with distrust. He shoved his skeptical thoughts away and smiled. “The table looks nice.”
