Page 30 of Four for a Boy

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“I’m supposed to be past this!”

“Trauma is not something you get past, you learn to live with it.”

“That man. Do you know him?”

“Yes, he’s one of my clients. He has an appointment later today.”

“Is he a threat?”

“No. He’s going through a difficult time at the moment.”

“In what way?”

Keeley levelled him with a glare. “Chad.”

“Sorry, but he attacked—”

“He didn’t attack me. He surprised me, that’s all. Sit down.”

Chad threw a helpless glance at the door before giving in and taking a seat on the couch. He dropped his head into his hands. “I’m sorry for not helping you.”

“There’s no need to apologize. We’re going to break down what happened.”


“But first you’re having a coffee. The caffeine and sugar will help your nerves.”

“I don’t need a coffee.”

“You’re shaking, Chad.”

He studied his hands as Keeley boiled the kettle in the corner.

“Or do you prefer tea?”


“Tea or coffee?”

“Coffee please, two sugars.”

He listened as Keeley made his drink. The tapping on the side of the cup told him it was done. Keeley stopped in front of him and held out his drink.

“Thank you.”

She circled back round the desk. “If someone were to walk in right now, and grab me, what would you do?”

Chad licked his lips. “Punch them.”

“You’dwantto punch them, but what do youthinkyou’d do?”

“Seize up. Freeze.”

Keeley gave him a pleased smile. Glad he’d told her the truth and not attempted to brush her off. The truth didn’t make him smile like that—it burned his cheeks with shame. He wouldn’t defend her but fall victim to his messed-up mind.

“He startled you. It makes you feel helpless, not in control.”
