Page 37 of Four for a Boy

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“I’ve been a detective foryearsand I still screw up the interviews. Maybe…”

“Maybe what?”

Josh sighed. “It’s not for me.”

“Do you want to be a detective?”

“Of course.”

“Then that’s good enough for me.” Chad smiled. “Now come on, let’s see Ally tear Pete a new asshole.”

“Sounds good.” Josh frowned. “I think.”

Chad led the way, squishing inside the box room that only had room for one chair and a thin desk. Josh pointed to the chair, and Chad shook his head.

They argued in mime before Chad sighed and settled in the chair in front of the mirror, ready to spy on the unsuspecting Pete through the glass.

The interview was already underway with the DI taking charge and Ally watching.

The DI’s voice droned through the speaker, establishing Pete’s relationship with Damian, but his account varied from Cleo’s and Tate’s.

Damian had not leaned over the bar and snatched a handful of cash, Pete had given it to him willingly, and he made no mention of the slagging match that had occurred between them.

“Why do you think Damian handed his notice in?” The DI asked.

Pete folded his arms. “He wanted more pay, and I told him it wasn’t possible. He threatened to walk, and I called his bluff.”

“Did it bother you that he’d already lined himself up a new job?”

“Not in the slightest.”

“Olivia Jones hired him.”

Chad leaned back and looked at Josh.

“She’s the owner of the new club being built.” Josh explained.

The DI went on. “Olivia offered him more pay and more holiday to work at her club, Goddess.”

“She is.” Josh sighed. “Proper hot.”

“Hotter than Sonya?” Chad whispered.


The DI stared at Pete. “Did that bother you?”

“No. Damian can do as he pleases.”

“Well, he can’t now, can he?” Ally snapped. “He’s dead.”

“His death has nothing to do with me. He was a good worker. Justin was a good customer. I have no reason to kill either of them.”

“Are you going ahead with your villain-themed night?”

Pete shuffled. “Yes. I don’t see a reason not to.”

“Two men have died, and the last place they were seen alive was your club.”
