Page 42 of Four for a Boy

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“Does the killer take anything?”

“Not as far as we can tell. Phone, wallet, watch, ID were all still on the victims.”

“Personal gain isn’t the motive. Did either victim have enemies?”

“Not as far as we can tell.”

“Anything else unusual?”

The killer had tagged his victims with Romeo’s name.

Chad bit his tongue and turned away. “We’ve applied for access to Damian’s phone, but it’ll take a few days to get his records, but from Justin’s, I’d say he wasn’t distressed and was wasting time on his phone near the venue before getting into a vehicle and being driven away.”

“So, he found the serial killer masquerading as a taxi driver?”



“We’re not ruling anything out at the moment. We’ve been interviewing drivers and looking at their records, but no cars travelled those routes.”

“Not on the clock at least.” Romeo circled Chad and squeezed his shoulders. “Any persons of interest?”

“Pete Jamerson is an … interesting character.”

“The owner of The Desperado?”

Chad looked back at Romeo. “You have been doing your homework.”

Romeo grinned. “I’ve been watching the news … and I may have driven into town again.”

“Jesus, Romeo.” Chad twisted around to face him.

“No one saw me, well, they saw me, but I’m rather good at blending in when I want to, remember?” he raised a smug eyebrow.

“It’s too dangerous. It only takes one person—”

“Are you always so dramatic?”

“Romeo, I’m serious. I don’t want to lose this. Don’t give me all this then yank it away. I can’t— That’s worse than death.”

“I won’t take unnecessary risks, I swear.”

“All of it is unnecessary, I gave you the cold cases.”

“Remember your analogy about fresh and old meat…”

Chad got to his feet. “This is a current case that I’m investigating. This killer, whoever they are, will be arrested and charged. They’re not being brought here, we’re not killing them.”

“Still.” Romeo sighed. “It’s a different kind of excitement when it’s an active case. I get why you like being the detective so much. It’s fun hunting the killer, piecing all his clues together, trying to solve the case before their next kill.”

Romeo reached into his pocket and retrieved a folded-up piece of paper. “If I was a serial killer…” He paused, and shot Chad a smile, “If I wasthisserial killer, I’d not pass up this opportunity.”

Chad unfolded the flier for The Desperado.

“Old. New. Fictional orreal,” Romeo recited from the flier. “Pete Jamerson is one step away from inviting the serial killer to claim his third victim.”

“You really think the killer will be there?”

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