Page 94 of Four for a Boy

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“Clean me up?”

“Yeah.” Ally dragged Chad into the ensuite. “Wash your hands, Chad, there’s blood on your fingers.”

He did as he was told. When he crawled his eyes up the mirror and looked at himself his stomach violently spasmed. Ally grabbed him by the elbow and guided him to the toilet.

Chad spluttered and gasped as his breakfast made a fast and furious reappearance.

Ally patted his back. “Feeling a bit better?”

“Not really.”

“Come on.” She pushed him to the sink. “Rince your mouth out. I’ve got gum in the car.”

Chad shoved his face beneath the tap and opened his mouth. The rushing water took the taste of bile off his tongue.

Ally pulled him through the apartment, and then told Chad to lock the door. The keys shook in his hand, but he managed to get the right one in the lock.

“What if she’s the killer?” Chad whispered. “What if this is what she does, gets young men back to her place and doses them up with chloroform before dumping their bodies.”

“Remember what Tate told us.”

Chad stared at Ally blankly.

“He was grabbed behind The Desperado and woke up in the vehicle. The killer chloroforms his victims in their vehicle before dumping them at the side of the road. Josh, and whoever this woman is, got inside a licensed taxi in full view of everyone. He’s fine, Chad.”

“But you don’t know that for sure.”

Ally pressed her lips in a firm line. “He’s fine until I get my hands on him.”

She led Chad toward the passenger door, and he climbed inside, bowing over, teasing his hair with a need to pull the stands free. Ally pushed his chest until he was sitting upright, and placed Chad’s hands on his knees. “Stay like that.”

Chad nodded as she rushed around to the driver’s side. He didn’t move from the position Ally had put him in, but closed his eyes, and listened to the rumble of the engine while he concentrated on his breathing.

“Gum.” Ally said, pushing a piece at Chad’s lips.

He took it into his mouth and bit down. The hit of mint helped clear his head.

“I knew he was acting odd on the phone. He never ignores my calls, and he never hangs up, and he never sounds … impatient.”

“How did you get home last night?”


“You and Josh split up. He called Puma Taxi service. How did you get home?”

Chad turned his head to the window. “I got a taxi that was waiting at the end of the road.”

“What company?”

“I didn’t look.”

He stiffened at Ally’s hum of annoyance. “And the driver, what was his name? What did he look like?”

Chad didn’t answer.

Ally throttled the wheel. “I can’t decide who I’m angrier at, you or Josh.” She elbowed him. “What were you thinking getting into a taxi with some unknown when there’s a killer on the loose? What were you thinking full stop!”

“I thought … we thought we might find some information.”
