Page 95 of Four for a Boy

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“And did you?”

Chad shook his head. “Not really. Pete’s staff refused to work and he hired a team to run The Desperado that night.”

“Which we knew.”

“I didn’t.”

Ally shuffled. “His staff walked out yesterday. They wanted the villain night cancelled, but Pete wasn’t having it and fired them all…” She sighed. “You risked your life to find out that piece of information we already had?”

“My life was never at risk.”

“You’re so goddamn stubborn.” Ally flashed him a venomous look. “Other people care if you live or die you know.”

Chad spotted the DI’s car parked at the side of the road. “Here?”

“Number thirteen.” Ally said, bringing the car to a stop behind the DI’s.

Chad flung the door open and tripped as he ran up the garden path. He followed the voices upstairs, but stopped in his tracks at the DI waiting for him, stern-faced with his arms crossed.

He gestured into a room. “Josh is in there.”

For one heart-stopping moment, Chad thought he was about to see Josh, splayed out on the bed, his eyes open in a never-ending stare, but instead, he saw Josh sat on a bed with his chin tucked to his shirtless chest. His cheeks glowed a vibrant red.

“What the hell?” Chad murmured.

Josh’s wrist was handcuffed to the bedpost.

“Take a picture,” Josh muttered. “Spread it around the station and let everyone have a laugh.”

Chad continued to stare at him, but Josh didn’t raise his head. Ally appeared, and cursed at Josh on the bed.

“Christ … undo yourself.”

“I don’t have the key.”

“Found it!” The shout came from the closet. Chad sidestepped into Ally as he waited for the red devil to reveal herself. Olivia came out, puffing her hair out of her face as she held the key in the air.

She jumped at the sight of Chad and Ally invading her bedroom.

“I didn’t hear you come in.”

The DI cleared his throat. “DC Hancock went home with Olivia Jones last night. He’s late for work because of a missing key.”

“I found the spare.” Olivia said, “You can’t arrest me for handcuffing a police officer consensually. There are no laws against it, I checked.”

Chad slumped into the wall and shut his eyes.

“What’s wrong with him?” Olivia asked.

“He believed his stupid actions last night had resulted in Josh being killed.” Ally replied. “I for one am now wishing that was the outcome.”


He opened his eyes at Josh’s voice.

Josh’s eyebrows lifted into his hairline. “You okay?”

Chad twitched his fingers at his sides, not knowing whether he wanted to punch a wall or pull Josh into a hug.
