Page 25 of The Sweetest Note

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Derek releases his grip just enough for me to take a breath, and then my mouth is filled with his cum. Moaning, I swallow convulsively, struggling to catch it all. Derek chuckles as he pulls out of my mouth, scooping up some of his cum and pushing it back into my mouth. “I think you missed a bit,” he coos and I suck on his fingers.

“Fuck, if you continue on this route, we’ll never make it back,” Roark chuckles darkly.

Derek smirks, his eyes blown with desire. “God, if only we could stay in our bubble,” he sighs.

Roark pulls out of my ass and I hiss at the slight burn. “Aye, I know it. You have a damsel in distress to save, and we have trouble to cook up,” he says, coming around to release my hands.

Helping me sit up, he rubs my wrists carefully. Derek soothes my shoulders and neck from the position I was in, and between the two of them I could melt into the couch. “Who wants the first shower?” Roark asks with a smile. “I’ll make us a snack and rinse off last before we head back. I couldn’t stomach much earlier, and Layla was watching me like a hawk.”

I grin as I think about Lavender’s sister. I can see so many similarities between the two of them now that I know. “Little Lay is a spitfire,” I tell him with a shrug. “She’s brought it upon herself to make sure we’re taking care of ourselves.”

Deciding to be selfish, I stand. “I’ll take the first shower if no one minds, and then pack a few more things before we go wreaking havoc. What city do you feel like going to first?”

Roark shrugs. “New York or Vegas. It’ll be the most likely spots for photographers to see us. After that, we can pretend to lay low since they’ll be on our tail by then.”

Nodding, I head to the shower, feeling a little lighter and ready to play my part in fucking up Grant Williams hopes and dreams.


I’ve felt out of step with my own life since the moment I stepped off Barclay’s rig. Where do I fit in without Lennon? Do Roark and Turner only want me because Lennon does?

I don’t do relationships, I have a hard time connecting with people because of my fucked up past, and it always makes me feel like an asshole. I also can’t communicate for shit, so I didn’t know how to ask if Roark and Turner still wanted me.

Sighing, I wonder if we did something wrong. Turner needed the release to be able to not implode, and as I watch his lazy, relaxed gait, I can tell he’s in a better place now. Roark and Turner will be in the public eye and need to play a part.

I never got a chance to talk to Lennon about if our beginning relationship had boundaries or things we shouldn’t do. This didn’t feel like cheating, and they called me theirs. Fuck, I’ve never belonged to anyone before.

As if knowing what I’m thinking, Roark throws his arm around me as we walk across the lobby. “I can hear you thinking from here, Derek. Are you okay? Penny for your thoughts?”

Chewing my bottom lip, I lean into him. I’m a big guy, and I’d probably make anyone else stumble. Roark doesn’t even have to widen his stance as he continues walking next to me. The man is a damn tank.

“I’m just wondering if Lennon would think badly on what happened—” I don’t get another word in as Roark scoffs.

“Nah, Lennon’s not like that. In her eyes, she would rather we support each other while we find her. Turner and I fuck and fight all of the time as you’ve seen and she doesn’t bat an eye. She loves seeing us together, and the only person I can be gentle with in bed is Lenny,” he explains with a shrug.

I chuckle because Roark doesn’t see what a gift he is. “You’re selling yourself short, Ror. You always know when someone needs you. I kept smelling magnolias and thought I was losing my mind this past week, and it was fucking Carrie the whole time. I was so deep in my head and spiraling between that and my dad and this profound guilt over how I treated Len. And somehow, you just always knew what I needed.” I sigh when he frowns adorably at me.He doesn’t see it.“You’re kind of a teddy bear with the people you care about,” I whisper as if it’s a secret and he barks out a laugh.

“I don’t see what you do, but I want the people I care about to be happy… Ugh. Fook it, you’re right. I’m your damn safe place now, deal with it.” Roark surprises me by pulling me into headlock and I yelp.

Turner turns and chuckles. “Roark has another person other than me now to fuck and harass,” he jokes. “Thank God, I’m gonna be feeling him for days.” Turner shifts as if feeling the ghost of Ror’s dick and I snicker.

Letting me go, we walk onto the elevator as it opens. “Who is going to break the news to Jordan that we’re about to be the poster children for what not to do as rockstars?” Roark asks with a smirk.

Oh shit.Roark and Turner galavanting and partying means more work for Jordan. I bite my lip and shrug. “It was my idea, so I guess I’ll volunteer as tribute,” I grumble.

They whoop and tease me and I roll my eyes as we get off on our floor.No offense, but the old man scares the shit out of me.He can’t fire me because I’m essentially resigning, but there’s a tone Jordan gets when he’s disappointed. It’s the tone of the disgruntled parent, and he’s so even-keeled it’s soul shredding when it’s directed at you.

Today has been a rollercoaster of a day and I’m fucking exhausted. It would be smart to sleep in a bed before heading to my dad’s, but the man has zero chill. Yawning, I cover my mouth to stifle it as Roark opens the door.

“How far is the drive to Farrelsville from the airport, man?” Turner asks worriedly.

“Two hours or so,” I lie. It’s a little more, but I really don’t want to worry him.

Roark smacks me over the head and I yelp. “Fucking really?!” I complain.

“Don’t lie to us,” he says mildly. I roll my eyes because I was caught, and those in the room turn towards us.

“Everything good?” Jordan asks. He doesn’t look the slightest bit surprised that our trip to the buses became a three hour excursion. Come to think of it, no one else does by the knowing smirks coming from Mav and Atlas.
