Page 29 of The Sweetest Note

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I don’t know how any of this matters, but all I can hear is my thundering heart beat in my ears. “Ye- yes, I have had anal sex,” I tell him, my voice high and uncertain.

My eyes flick back to the orderly, who is fisting his cock, using my blood as if it’s the best lube on the market as he moans. “Have you ever fucked a girl?” he asks, his voice husky as his eyes hood.

Collymore is fucking getting off on this, the sick bastard. “No, I have not,” I snap, not because I was ever against it, but because it’s none of their damn business. My life is being laid bare for the amusement of an old man and a fucking pervert.

“Don’t be like that,” Mr. Xav coos, hiding something behind his back. Collymore grabs my breast, continuing to fuck his dick with his other hand. He’s braced against me, and by the intensity of his facial expressions, Colly may be about to blow his load.

“I really want to feel how tight your cunt is. You were so feisty earlier and wouldn’t let me feel it,” he bemoans, dragging his hand down my body. I know what his hands feel like on me, and I can’t. I can’t do this again when I’m at his mercy. I begin to hyperventilate, pulling at my bindings along my arms and legs to no avail. “God, you’re such a damn wild cat,” Collymore says, his breath starting to hitch as he stares at my bouncing tits from my uneven breath and flailing.

“I wonder how tight her cunt could even be with all the cock she regularly gets,” Mr. Xav muses, and I vow to kill him. He says I’m the only one he’s been given in this facility, but I swear to God, I’m going to burn it all down.

“Don’t touch me,” I scream. I have probably fucked everything up, but I can’t handle the fear of him raping me. I know I’m showing my hand of what truly scares me, and I wish I was stronger.

Collymore doesn’t flinch, grunting as he squeezes my hip. He’s in his own world, my body is his toy to play with as Mr. Xav observes. Collymore’s fingers run down the raised scars and his eyes fly up to mine. “Oh yeah, you’re a cutter. Baby, I’m gonna cut you up so good when I get you to myself next, I want to taste your blood as you come all over my face.”

Mr. Xav snickers to himself, muttering, “Crazy bastard.”Everyone that works here is insane.

“Fuck, I’m gonna come. Are you sure I can’t mark those gorgeous tits?” he groans.

Mr. Xav rolls his eyes. “Mark whatever you want,” he responds. “Oh… and pineapple.”

This doesn’t make any sense until Collymore releases me like my skin’s on fire. “You made Daddy mad,” he mutters before his eyes roll back in pleasure. Ropes of cum hit my chest as I stare dumbfounded that this is even happening, and then I scream as Mr. Xav pulls a wand from behind his back, placing it on my inner thigh and my world bursts into white, hot pain.Pineappleis now my worst nightmare.



As much as I pouted last night about waiting to travel, I’m grateful for the extra energy this morning. My dad always brings his A-game, so I need to as well.

Driving to Farrelsville after my five hour flight, I glance at the bag next to me and think about how much of an asset Greg already is. I know Turner has misgivings about him due to their past and I respect his judgment. But, as I think back to my conversation this morning, at four in the morning as I met with him in his hotel room to talk through our plans, he really hooked me up.

“Derek, this is the phone I want you to use to keep in contact with me. When you get to your dad’s I want you to hide it in a vent in the bathroom or in the toilet tank in a plastic bag. Only use it when you’re out of the house unless you’re somewhere you know you won’t be seen. I wouldn’t put it past your father to have cameras where you’re staying. People usually forgo putting a camera in the bathroom, so check the room with the bug app that’s loaded on the burner.”

Nodding, I rub the back of my neck.How did this become my life?I’m a fucking spy now, and I completely expect my father to have cameras set up in the basement. “I don’t expect my father to trust me right away. I’m sure he expected me to fight him more on this.”

Greg shrugs. “Play up the fact that you think the label is scrambling and it’s the smartest business decision for you to switch jobs at this time. If your father thinks you agreed because his interests align in some way with your own, he’ll be easily swayed. Tell him you want to start thinking about a family or some shit, settling down. Aren’t you midwesterners about that?”

I roll my eyes because he’s married with several kids. “My father hasn’t mentioned specifically that I should start dating or anything, but he has mentioned that he thinks it’s odd that I haven’t dated at all. Before seeing Lennon again, I don’t think I had even hooked up with a girl in over two years.”

Greg leans back, eyes raised. “We all have our fuck boy periods in life, and trust me, my best friends and I had it stamped across our foreheads. The right girl just changes everything.”

I blow out a breath as I think about how the right girl and guys changed this for me. “What if he decides to help me in finding the ‘right’ girl?” I wrinkle my nose in distaste. “It would help his campaign if I portrayed good family values.”

Greg shrugs, folding his arms. “Appearances are everything, which is why Roark and Turner are going to be every paparazzi’s wet dream very soon. Appear to be exactly what he wants, gain his trust, and check in whenever you can, okay? Do what you need to do so we can find Lennon and your mom. If we can also shut Xav and your dad down, we will, but only after they’re safe. Roark mentioned that your father likes power games and was a little worried about your safety, so I installed a tracker in all of your shoes. It can’t be disabled, water won’t affect it, and it can’t be found by any anti-spyware or detector that exists.”

My lips part in surprise. “Holy shit. I wasn’t expecting all of this. Turner tends to talk about you like you’re a fuck up, so I just didn’t—” I shrug apologetically.

Greg snorts, shaking his head. “I’m not the same person I was ten years ago, and I’m in a very different position now. I thought moving away from taking government contracts would keep my family safe, but I was wrong. I’m able to choose what jobs I take, so sleeping like a baby after I terminate a contracted target isn’t a problem for me. I hate people who hurt kids and women especially, so my contacts hook me up with contracts that let me work out my special kind of aggression.” He grins evilly at me and I’m especially happy he’s on our side.

“When you get to the airport, there will be a car waiting for you in your name. It doesn’t make sense for you to have a long-term rental, and all of the paperwork will show you bought this online. It’s a modest but nice car for a politician’s son,” Greg says with a smirk and I grimace. God, I’m gonna hate campaigning with my dad so much. “Do you think he has anything that’ll be helpful in his office, or is there somewhere else that he uses as a base of operations?”

Thinking, I blow out a breath. “I’ve made it a priority to stay away from my father, so I haven’t been keeping tabs on him. However, when I was there last he did a lot of work out of his office, and that’s where I heard him talk to Mr. Xav. My dad also spent a lot of time in his office space in town and visiting people who were supporting his campaign for governor. I noticed all the people who went out of their way to talk to me… it was weird now that I think about it. You know when you can tell people have ulterior motives for talking to you? That’s how it felt, as if they knew more than they were saying. I don’t want to be paranoid but—”

“Be paranoid,” Greg bites out. “No one is your friend in that town or outside of it that isn’t us. Everyone from this point forward is out to extract information from you for your father or wants to use you. I don’t expect to talk to you unless there’s a development or you’re in real trouble, but this is your new watch,” Greg says holding it up. “It’s going to monitor your heart rate for me, so if things really go tits up, I’ll know.”

Heart sinking, I nod. My job is to get information that finds my mom and Lennon, and figure out what the fuck my dad is up to so I can shut him down if I can. Sounds easy… not.

Blinking, I sigh as I see the beginning signs reminding me that the Farrelsville exit is coming up. Breathing deeply, I start to shut down my emotions. They are the weaknesses my father will use to hurt the people I care about and I can’t allow that to happen. “Goodbye,” I whisper as I pull each person to the forefront of my mind to see them one last time. Shuddering, I rub my chest because they make me a better person.
