Page 43 of The Sweetest Note

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“Tori-girl! I thought you were hanging out with us tonight,” Griffin roars indignantly, beer in hand. I don’t know him as well, but he’s great for Red. This man showers her with love and affection, and it’s completely taken in stride by her men. There isn’t any jealousy or resentment because of it, and thank fuck for it because they’ve been together for years.

Tesa chases Griffin, fixing her dress and I snort. It seems we weren’t the only ones getting down and dirty just now. It’s no wonder Tori went looking for us when they wandered off.

“I did too,” Tori says, amused. “Did Griff take care of you, Tes?”

“Aye mija, you know he always does. You caught us out on the porch again just last week,” Tesa says with a wave of her hand.

Turner almost spits his drink out that he was unfortunate enough to try to swallow at the wrong time. The thought of swallowing has me shifting in my seat, smirking at the memory of what just happened.

“We have guests, let’s not kill them,” Tori says with a giggle.

The riotous group keeps my mind off Lennon and Derek, and we have a decent time. Miguel, one of Red’s husbands, even comes over to chat.

“It’s nice to see you enjoying yourself in my club with your dick in your pants,” he greets me and I snicker. I can’t help it.

“Your club is a great place to engage in orgasms,” I tease him and Miguel rolls his eyes.

“I know, I designed it for discreet hookups, but apparently people missed the memo,” he grouses and we all burst out laughing.

“Raise your hand if you’ve ever fucked in Miguel’s club,” Tori comments and I grin. I really do love how much she winds him up.

All of us raise our hands, including Miguel after muttering to himself in Spanish. I have no idea what he’s saying, but it’s amusing.

“What about in the last two hours?” Griffin asks and Miguel groans as his and Tesa’s hands go up.

“Por dios, you’re my little sister! I’m supposed to pretend you’re a nun or some shit, right?” he grumbles and Griffin shrugs.

“If your sister was anyone else and not married to me, that might fly. But…”

“But you two fuck like bunnies everywhere except your bed,” Miguel mutters.

“Wait, so you like the possibility of getting caught too?” I ask them, enjoying how uncomfortable Miguel is.

“Oh my God, yes!” Tesa yells, and I imagine it’s close to what her sex noises sound like.

Snorting in amusement, I realize I have to piss. Nudging Turner, I let him know I’m going to the restroom as I get to my feet. Turner follows my movements, nodding with a ghost of a smile. It’s been awhile since we’ve just been able to relax a little with friends, and sometimes the connection is needed.

Lumbering over to the restrooms, I push the door slowly, not wanting to startle anyone having their own quickie. Smirking as I find the coast clear, I open my fly as I saunter over to the urinal. Pulling my dick out, I handle my business, breathing a sigh of relief. I haven’t broken the seal all night, and it was definitely time.

The door opens behind me, and I finish up as I turn my head to see who it is. My back is to the person, and ever since Lenny was taken, I’ve been on edge. The man ignores me for the counter, and as I see the white powder and credit card, I roll my eyes. Washing my hands next to him, I witness the euphoria rolling through his body as he moans.

I’m fucking jealous.It’s a shitty way to feel, I know. I rock my neck from side to side, trying to release the tension building. Breathing in and out, I swear I can taste the faint metallic flavor of cocaine. I break into a cold sweat, goosebumps quickly covering my arms.No, no, no. Not fucking today.Grabbing paper towels, I dry my hands quickly, throwing them away and walk out the door.

Swallowing hard, I feel as if I’ve walked away from temptation, when I hear something. “Hey!”

“Hey man, you dropped this,” a voice says. Turning, I see a man holding out a packet of white pills. My eyes narrow, my head already beginning to shake in denial. I’ve done pills as well as cocaine, the high is addictive, the need to feel as if I’m flying is compelling. It’s been weeks since we last performed, and the lack of that rush has been chafing at me. Lenny always understood why I performed, and part of me thinks it’s the reason she didn’t mind the increased traveling.

I needed meditation less and less too because my cup was always filled with adrenaline and love. But now… “Are you sure that’s mine?” I ask, brows raised.

“Yes, Sir,” he says with a smile. Holding my hand out, the guy drops the packet into it and strides off. “Enjoy the high, man. Come find me if you need any more.”

Blowing out a breath, I stare down at the temptation, my literal demons laughing at me. Knowing Turner will be looking for me soon, I pocket the stupid things, telling myself I’ll flush them later.

I don’t know if I’m lying to myself, or only delaying the inevitable.


