Page 42 of The Sweetest Note

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“Fuck, of course I do. I have three shit lists: mild, medium, and deep shit,” he explains and I chuckle. I can’t help it, this conversation is so ridiculous to me. Orion scowls at me and I cough to cover it up. Forcing myself to sober, I nod for him to continue.

“Your father lying to you is a mild offense, but if you're with us, you’re all the way in. There were cameras in the second warehouse, and I know it took some beautiful shots of you killing Langston.” My blood runs cold as I hear this, but of course my father would be sure to record evidence of my activities today.

I may not make it out of this after we get Lennon back, but I know she’ll be in good hands. Maybe if I’m lucky, she’ll come visit me in prison. Pulling myself from my dark thoughts, I force myself to listen to Orion. He reminds me of Len’s zoomies now that I think about it.

“So you know what this means right?” Orion asks with a grin as he passes a slow moving car. I have no idea what he said while I spaced out so I smile back because it’s impossible not to.

Clearly I live in the twilight zone now. “No, but I know you’ll tell me,” I tease him. I probably shouldn’t poke the guy, because I have no idea when he’ll snap. However, he seems to like me for the moment, so I’m going to roll with it.

“It means we’re going to go have burgers and a beer, and then hit a titty joint. Killing people always makes me rock hard,” he reveals, adjusting himself.

Yep, I definitely live in an alternate universe. Rolling my lips inwards to hide a smile, I nod. “Yeah, that sounds real fucking good right now.”

There’s not a girl in the world who could get me hard right at the moment outside of my girl. I know that sounds ridiculous because dicks get hard, it’s a biological reaction. But my cock may as well have three people’s names tattooed to it, because it has no interest in anyone else.

Looking out the window, I wonder when I’m going to get that call to my mother, and what I’ll have to do to be able to visit Hidden Hills.


After a week of partying, the days are beginning to meld together. I’ve been offered blow twice, and I’ve refused each time. Vegas has so many dealers, it’s like a drug addict’s wet dream. I want to leave this nightmare of a world behind so fucking badly, but Turner is always a few steps away from me. I don’t want to be a disappointment, I want to be strong for the both of us, but fuck is it hard.

It’s been three damn weeks since Lennon disappeared, and we’re not any closer to finding her. Derek texted Greg to tell him he made contact with his mother and while she seemed groggy, she was able to talk to him. The ‘patients’ are sometimes required to take medication, and I’m sure they doped his mom up so she couldn’t tell him anything important. Greg asked him how he was doing, but Derek stopped responding, which made Greg a little twitchy.

He’s insisting Derek is fine, but I feel as if we’ve let one of our own behind enemy lines without eyes on them. Grant Williams is a jackass, and I know he’ll hurt his son in order to achieve some sort of fucked up bottom line. My mind is a swirl of activity as I think of every awful thing that could possibly happen.

Hands crawl across my lap and I smirk as they open my pants and pull my cock out. I’m sitting with my back to the club, fully enjoying the sight of my dick twitching as he pumps it. Licking his lips, his eyes drink me in. “Fuck, I need you in my mouth,” he groans, opening wide and swallowing me down, refusing to wait for permission.

“Fooking hell, Turner, you gorgeous bastard,” I groan as his tongue slides along the underside of my shaft. His teeth nip as he sucks, and it feels incredible. Each piercing allowing me to ride the edge between pleasure and pain, I fist his hair, dragging him down my cock until his nose meets my stomach.

Turner begins to hum softly, and I whimper. I don’t give a fuck how strong I am, this man can bring me to my knees with his mouth every time. Eyes rolling, I fuck his mouth, giving up the control I’ve held onto so tightly. Patiently, lovingly, Turner lets me use him. I know he’s been worried, I just don’t know how to tell him I miss her more than my next breath.

How can I tell him this, when he’s right here, sucking me off like the god that he is? Shouldn’t Turner be enough? Am I a selfish bastard for needing all the pieces of my heart? There’s also a small piece that is chipped along the side of my heart, and I know I’m not ready to look at it yet. Derek fits so perfectly into our trio, he makes me feel lighter when I worry too much. I can’t even tell you when it happened, but it has.

Turner swallows around me, the constriction of his throat bringing me closer to my release. “God, yes, you’re so damn good to me, baby,” I praise him. Turner’s arms hug my waist as he slowly bobs up and down, each time sinking further down my cock. I want to tell him how much I love him, how desperate I am to come for him, but I lose the ability to say anything as I watch him. His pale blue eyes look up at me and I sigh.

Reflected in them is everything I feel, along with a deep understanding. I bite my lip hard to hold back the roar threatening to scare the club as I come down Turner’s throat.

“Take it all,” I gasp, loving how hard his throat works to swallow it all.

Slowly, Turner slides off my cock until the tip pops out of his mouth. “Cheeky man,” I chuckle as the rush of the club’s sounds return. This man makes me lose control, and nothing else matters except fucking some part of him.

“Miguel’s gonna side eye us if he catches us doing this again,” Turner chuckles as he wipes his mouth and sits next to me. Tucking myself back into my pants, I zip them back up as a redhead walks into our cordoned off section of the club.

Rolling her eyes, Red pouts at us. “You’re lucky I caught the end of your performance Turner and not Miguel. The man complained forever the last time he caught you two,” she chuckles.

Grinning, I scoot over before leaning over and pulling her to sit between us. “I didn’t think you were coming out tonight,” I tease her.

Shrugging, she says, “Tesa and Griffin insisted on a bestie night because Link agreed to watch the brood for the night. I hope the house is still standing when we get back.”

Throwing my arm over her shoulder, I shrug. “Mel is old enough to help now, and she loves kids. It's almost ten o’clock, so most of them should be asleep, yeah?”

Red snorts. “Do you know my hellions? Or Tesa’s youngest? They run shit, we are merely their snack bitches. I love them, but I don’t know what sleep is anymore. I give the Academy Award to tonight’s performance of my makeup to eye cream and my Botox in a bottle. There’s nothing that would help these bags otherwise,” she insists.

“Aw, Red, you’re beautiful and you know it,” Turner laughs. “Are your men not giving you enough compliments, because while I didn’t bring Sally with me, I can still fuck their shit up.”

Red rolls her eyes, putting her head on Turner’s shoulder. “Fuck, I’ve missed you two. I’m glad you’re here, even though it’s less than happy circumstances.”

We nod, my throat closing slightly at the reminder of why we’re here. Paparazzi fodder is our job, so Turner and I are taking more risks. A blow job in a club definitely qualifies as such. Jordan is less likely to yell at us for public indecency, as long as we don’t go to jail for it. He’ll still call me tomorrow to yell at us though. I swear it’s his way of expressing love.

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