Page 52 of The Sweetest Note

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My mission is to do whatever bullshit Grant needs and check on the girl’s status. I need to detach myself a bit from her, because just her name makes me want to kill people. I’m not supposed to care about others, it’s what makes me the perfect weapon.

Quieting the voice that asksfor how longI’ll be the perfect weapon and what I want from life, I finally pull up to the gate. Hitting the button to roll down the window, I nod at the guard attendant.

“What’s your business here, Sir? I need your driver license as well,” the guard says.

Pulling my license out of my wallet, I give the name Grant told me to. “I’m here to see Dr. Xavier, please. I have a meeting with him tonight.”

If the man thinks it’s odd to have a meeting at eight at night here, he doesn’t show it. Glancing at my document in his hand, he nods. “We don’t get many visitors who aren’t staying long term, so you’re the only person I know coming today. Drive to the top of the drive, and park in space number five. When you’ve completed your visit, I’ll let you out. Go on through,” the guard says with a nod, hitting the button to open the gates.

I bet people don’t typically visit this place.Tall gates surround the entire expanse, and I wish I could see it during the day to be able to bring information back to Derek and Greg. Dammit, we just need a fucking break.

Taking a deep breath, I make every frustration disappear as I make my way up the driveway. I only noticed Derek’s tells that he wasn’t actually as cold as he seemed, because I have them too. I can appear to be jovial and happy, or I can give off serial killer vibes with cold, dead eyes. No one ever really knows who or what I am, and I prefer it this way.

Parking, I make sure I have my identification in my wallet before turning off the engine and stepping out. The air is colder now that the sun has set, and where others would move quickly to get out of the chill, I leisurely walk to the front door. Instead of glass sliding doors or office doors, a wide, blue cheery one greets me.

Ringing the bell, I wait, surprised when a nurse with blonde hair opens the door in scrubs. Her name tag reads:Nurse Elaine. There isn’t a last name, but I’m not surprised by this since she works in a psychiatric hospital.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Kingston. It’ll be right this way. I’ll give you a tour as we walk through if you’d like?” the nurse asks.

Staring at her critically, I mask it with a warm smile that I don’t feel. Until proven differently, everyone who works here is a potential problem. Accepting the tour because Derek and Greg will need the information to extract the girl and Marian, I step inside of the hospital.

The front entryway is done in soothing light blues and grays. Following Nurse Elaine, I memorize each room, surprised by all of the windows. The courtyard and gardens are lit up outside by twinkle lights, and the extra touch surprises me. It appears that even though the people here are the black sheep of their families, only sent here because they embarrassed them in someway, this place is still swanky as fuck.

I may not know where the fuck this place is, but I plan to create a floor plan when I return to my house. My memory is flawless, and will be put to use today. Every single detail is filed away as I see it.

“As you can see, we make sure to create a soothing environment for our patients while they are here. Most of them are long term residents, though some do leave,” the nurse drones on. She either doesn’t work directly with management and therefore misunderstands the purpose of this place… or she’s lying out of her ass.

My eyes watch her as we stop and she drones on about how nice the living room is for this section. I see a flash in her eyes that shows how much she’s enjoying staring at me. Even though I’m demisexual and have only recently started feeling attraction, I can recognize it in others.

Shifting my weight, I get ready to interrupt her, when her radio beeps. “Excuse me,” Nurse Elaine murmurs as she answers it before her head whips back to me. “Mr. Xav, he is here, and I’m bringing him to you now. I’m so sorry for our tardiness.”

I was on time, dimwit. Don’t lump me into your misstep because you had to flirt with me.The good news is that I now know where all of the bedrooms are for the main part of the hospital, caught a glimpse of the kitchens and saw the lunch room. Her dawdling definitely didn’t hurt me in the least. Xav isn’t a danger to me as I’m Grant’s stand in tonight.

I shrug as she glares and she continues to apologize to “Dr. Xavier”. Apparently, no one bothers to call him this inside of the hospital, or at least this nurse doesn’t. Nurse Elaine huffs as she puts the radio away. “I somehow missed that you were here for a meeting with him. I thought you were here to interview for a position. We usually ease people into the true reasons this hospital exists.”

“I’m well-acquainted with why this place exists, and the fact that none of these people are actually patients,” I tell her, bending the truth to my own ends. While I know more than the average person, there are still many things I’m in the dark about.

Smirking, she turns as she says, “No one in this place is innocent, though our judgment is harsher for some. Let’s go to the other side of the hospital so you can see Mr. Xav.”

The hallways and decor move from calm and soothing to stark white and harsh. Gone are the pretty blues and the many windows, and in its stead it appears to be the institution it is.

Nurse Elaine enters a code, pushing to open the door to what appears to be a different section of the hospital.

“Through here are our more dangerous patients, or those who are just a pain in the ass,” she says, her sweet and flirty facade left behind as soon as the door shuts behind us. “Mr. Xav asked me to bring to you the room where he’s currently working with someone. Outside of this area, we call it therapy, but honestly, I think he wants to see how much the bitch can take before he breaks her. She’s gorgeous,” Nurse Elaine says, dragging her finger down my arm.

Immediately my stomach pitches, and I force myself to quirk an eyebrow and smirk at her. “I just bet she’s a stunner,” I tell her, and she preens.

“Her pussy is so tight,” Nurse Elaine whispers, linking her arm with mine. “I get to pick her up after Mr. Xav is done with her, and I just can’t help myself. I don’t know why he wants you here today, but maybe you’ll get to have some fun too.”

She doesn’t say anything else as we come up to the room in question.Is she talking about the girl?I can’t bring myself to say her name even in my mind because I’ll snap this woman’s neck. How dare she touch what isn’t freely given or hers to receive? What the hell has been happening at this damn place?

The door opens to show a wide room, with white tile flooring and white walls. Stepping inside, I see the man who has been funding Grant’s campaign and wild plans. I haven’t met him before, instead hearing conversations about him or listening to conference calls.

My gaze is pulled away from him though, because a girl with lavender hair is hanging from posts on an exam table. Her legs are pulled open as well as she hangs, and she’s naked. Forcing my eyes away from her, from Derek’s girl, I smile politely at Xav.

“Hello, Sir,” I say as if we are in his office and there isn’t a naked girl splayed open to my left. “Mr. Williams sent his apologies, but wanted me to stand in for him. He’s very excited about any and all developments that you’ve been seeing.”

I am absolutely talking out of my ass, because I have no idea if there have been any developments. Xav, however, eats this shit up, the asshole.

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