Page 60 of The Sweetest Note

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Xav, the monster that he is, smiles cruelly. “I despise this color, and so does—” he shrugs as he almost blurts something he didn’t mean to.

“Boss?” asks Colly, concerned. “You doing alright there?”

“Fine, fine. Almost said something I shouldn’t. Can you find the cosmetologist we brought in for this? Thank goodness she’s someone who won’t ask questions,” he mutters.

Grabbing me around the waist as I twist and scream, he throws me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “It’s just fucking hair,” Xav growls as he stalks out of the room.

Collymore races off like his ass is on fire, and if I was capable of the thought, I’d think it’s because his boss is obviously having a rough day.

But I can’t do that though because so am I. I’m having a rough fucking life. I’ve had lavender hair for years, it’s how I distanced myself from my mother. It’s how I took over my life. Who the fuck am I without it?

The walk doesn’t take long, even as Xav struggles. Opening a door the size of a large storage closet, he drops me into a heap on the floor. Looking up at him, I shake my head. I’ve lost everything… Why this?

Taking a shaky breath as the tears roll down my cheeks, I ask, “Why is my hair such a personal affront to you? I don’t understand why I can’t just have this one thing?”

The person who’s here to continue the ruining of Lennon O’Reilly, peeks around Xav in curiosity. I guess it’s not every day she does the hair of a broken, crazy ex-rockstar in a straightjacket. Fuck my life.

Xav leans over, turning his leg as I attempt to kick him in the nuts. I am not rolling over on this, and I plan to go down fighting. Call it whatever you want… but who the fuck am I without my hair? A carbon copy of my mother if you put me in a pair of contact lenses. No motherfucking way.

Grabbing my hair, he pulls it back with one hand, and a needle from his back pocket. “I need you to be someone else, someone who fights less. It’s why I’ve been learning the ins and outs of what makes Lennon O’Reilly who she is. But you’re still so… fucking stubborn. Complete and utter obliteration of who you are is what we’re going to have to go with,” Xav hisses at me.

Stabbing me in the neck, I whimper as he pushes the plunger. “No,” I beg.

Smiling benignly as he drops my head, I turn to see there’s a chair, utility sink, cart, and hair products set up. There’s no mirror, but it’s just a small mercy. I’m so involved in staring at the bottle of bleach, that I almost miss the whispered word, “pineapple,” being uttered by Xav before my world goes white from the electricity pushed through my foot.

Usually I’m barefoot, so I can only be happy for small mercies as my back bows from the pain.

Twitches follow through my body as Colly hauls me up and into the chair, the back of the seat high so he can put the collar attached around my neck to keep me semi-upright.

“Feel free to move her around as your living doll, Rachel,” Colly says with a chuckle. “When you’re done, maybe you can come find me for some fun?”

I wait to hear Xav say something, but absently realize that I don’t hear him. Sound moves in and out as the drug runs through my system, my muscles refusing to listen to a single thing I ask it to do.

“Well, can we find Elaine too? She does this thing with her tongue I really like,” the hairstylist, Rachel says.

If I was capable of a gag reflex right now, it would definitely be triggered as I listen to her talk about Nurse Ratched.

Colly chuckles as my eyelids begin to drift closed with heaviness. “Your wish is my command, doll. Just make the bitch silver-blonde like her mother, that’s what they want.”

“Who…?”I say in a garbled whisper before I pass out.



Orion texted me when he got home, asking me to come to his house today. Apparently he has a surprise?

There’s no one in the house, so I rush around my room in the basement to get dressed and grab my car keys. I’m actually excited to see what he’s found out, and maybe to see him too. Climbing up the stairs from the basement into the main house, I’m surprised to see Drew sitting in my living room.

“Uh, hello Sir. Are you waiting for my father?” I ask politely.

“No,” he snorts, shaking his head. “He’s busy getting his rocks off, and I needed to be closer to town this week for some important conferences. So I’ll be staying here for a few days.”

For a town this small, it sure has been getting some action. Farrelsville, Kentucky should be a safe town for children and families, not a cesspool for secret plots that may lead my father to the presidency if he gets his way and sex trafficking.

“And he knows you’re here?” I ask curiously. Grant O’Reilly is a suspicious man by nature. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t bothered searching his office while he’s been gone. I noticed the keypad on the door as well that appeared the day I moved in. There’s no way I’m getting in there unnoticed, and I doubt I’d find any important paperwork regarding the hospital.

My father is paranoid as fuck.
