Page 61 of The Sweetest Note

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My phone rings as I stand there, and frowning, I dig it out of my back pocket.

“Hi, Dad. Are you aware Mr. Kingston is planning to stay at the house?” I ask.

I shrug at Drew to show that I have no hard feelings towards him, but I’m not keeping this a secret if my dad doesn’t know. There’s too many other things I’m keeping from him at the moment to be able to remember another thing. This man isn’t worth the risk.

“Yes, son. Thank you for telling me, but that’s what I’m calling you to tell you. Drew will be staying in one of the guest rooms for the next few days, so he doesn’t have to commute so far every day,” my father explains.

“Ah, well that makes sense. It looks like I’m going to be a terrible host,” I explain apologetically. “Orion asked me to come over to hang out together for the day. I am trying to connect again with people in the area, so I jumped at the invite.”

Drew looks at me critically. “Well, I’m glad for that. I’m just surprised my son initiated the invite. He doesn’t typically enjoy the company of others.”

Smirking, I know he’s right. “That may be true, but we bonded over the last few meetings we’ve run together,” I tell him, purposefully being vague.

Drew pales a little as he realizes we’ve been killing people together as we bonded. I know he knew Orion was showing me the ropes, but I also think he thought I’d want to stay as far away from my new ‘mentor’ as possible. Funny thing is, the killing is keeping me centered as we look for a break in finding Len.

Waiting sucks, and as close as my father plays things, he’s a human who is already making a series of mistakes that will ultimately lead to his death. I just hope I will get to commit patricide. I’ve become particularly bloodthirsty lately, but I can’t bring myself to worry about it right now.

“Is there anything else I need to know?” I ask my father, prompting him to get on with it.

“Just that my private detective pulled information together about the candidates I’m running against, and I need you to go through the information. Then I need you to run through their social media accounts and find me everything you can find out about them. I also need you to do the same for my accounts. If there’s something to be found, I want to know,”my father says.

Blinking, I grunt in surprise. “That’s actually really smart,” I mutter, before coughing because I didn’t mean to say that.

My dad barks out a laugh.“I’m glad you approve,”he says mildly. I thought he’d yell at me for my comment. Fucking Carrie must be mellowing him out.

“I’m going to be home in a few days, and then we have a few parties to attend. The parties are fundraisers and one is a mental health awareness benefit. We won’t have any rallies for a few more months to attend. If all of that goes well, I’ll take you to see your mother next week. Does that work for you?”My father’s voice sounds slightly amused, because at the end of the day, he knows I can’t demand a damn thing.

While I can’t make him take me to see my mom sooner, I can see what Orion has for me. “Yes, Sir. I’m looking forward to it. Can I bring mom anything, or is that not allowed?” I ask.

My father sputters, because he didn’t expect me to ask that.“What in the world could you bring that woman?”

Turning to leave the house, I throw my hand up to say goodbye to Drew. “She has a favorite blanket I can pick up from Aunt Rose’s house, and maybe I can make her some lemon squares too. I don’t know what she’s allowed to have there.”

Dad huffs disgruntled.“I’m sure she’d appreciate the blanket, but no outside food is allowed.”

A click as my father hangs up on me follows and I release a small chuckle as I walk to my car. I don’t bother to lock the door because Drew is inside and I’m in a hurry now. I need some good news.

* * *

I didn’t expectmy news to be in the form of a kidnapped orderly, but I’m not mad about it in the least.

A cruel smile takes over my face as I see Orion has the guy’s hands tied and he’s dangling from the ceiling. Following the suspension system, I see he has a hook hanging from the ceiling of his greenhouse. Super fucking cool.

I guess when you live in the middle of nowhere, you can do whatever you want.

“So what’s the deal with this guy?” I ask him.

Orion growls under his breath as he stares at the guy. I can tell he’s an orderly of some kind because of the scrubs. “Also, how the hell did you get him out of there?” I ask.

“So many questions. I need you to video call Greg into this. He’s not squeamish right?” Orion asks as he continues to stare at the man. I get the feeling he’s restraining himself from beating the shit of the still unconscious orderly.

Ericis the name I see on his tag when I step closer. “Nah, he kills people as part of his job for the government. He’ll be fine with whatever you have planned,” I mutter, figuring it's probably a better idea for him to tell both of us at once. “Where’s your computer?”

Orion points to his right, and I see it’s set up on a table. There’s a drain directly underneath Eric and the floors are all concrete outside of where the flower and vegetable beds are. Everything is green and beautiful, and it honestly feels surreal to interrogate in such a nice space. It is, however, better for cleaning up, because I doubt this man will be walking free after this.

As I step over to connect to video, I also cross my fingers that Greg is available. Though, he’s been non-stop working with his contacts to get evidence together for a kill order for Xav and see if anyone can help find him.

“You’re going to make me wait for story time, aren’t you?” I ask as I send the request for Greg to video chat.
