Page 69 of The Sweetest Note

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“Hmm,” Orion says, cracking his neck. “The cheerleaders used to get drunk at parties and then spill their guts to me. A few words, some flirting I didn’t feel, and they were putty. So what did you think was happening?”

Staring at him, a pressure begins to burn in my chest, looking away, I take a deep breath. “Derek, what—” Orion begins, but I don’t let him finish.

“I thought she was fucking them all,” I roar, throwing my hands up in the air. “I’m an idiot, and because the pot of money was always claimed, I thought she was a whore like her mother. I never realized they were continuously trying to force her.”

Shaking my head, my hands shake. “Carrie was fucking me and my dad by high school, and Lennon was so pretty, I figured the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Instead, I made life even harder than it already was for her. Her mother was pretty unstable by then, having manic episodes, and would fuck off and leave her without food. Everything about high school was a shit show,” I groan.

Orion grits his jaw, methodically as he thinks about this. “So she walked to school every day without food, got harassed by your bullshit all day, and then walked home?”

“Yep,” I respond, popping the ‘p’. “We had a come to Jesus and laid everything out to each other while I was on tour with them. I was treating her like shit again, and Roark and Turner refused to let it happen. Lennon is so different now than she was in high school, and she launched my balls into my throat a few times with her knee,” I explain, rolling my eyes at his widened gaze.

“So she told me the truth behind her home life and my actions, and I told her a little about why I hated her mother. But… not all of it. I meant to, and I kind of talked about why I can’t be restrained with Roark—” Breaking off, I stare off into the darkness, where the light doesn’t touch.

That’s sometimes how I feel, like the dark places inside of me can’t be touched. Shivering, I continue as I feel Orion’s eyes on me and I have to do something. Pulling off my gloves, I throw them on the ground, flexing my fingers to try to ground myself. He doesn’t rush me… he just silently stands sentinel to my truths.

“One night, before I moved my bedroom to the basement, I woke up to Carrie riding my cock,” I begin to tell him, flooding my lungs with oxygen with a gulp. “This wouldn’t be a big deal, except she climbed in through the window when my dad was home. She also tied my arms and legs to the bed, and then climbed on.

“We had a football game that night so I was exhausted, which meant I’m a heavy fucking sleeper. When I opened my mouth to scream, she grinned and told me to be a good boy and let her fuck me. Then she shoved something in my mouth to shut me up. I couldn’t spit it out, couldn’t buck her off, she just giggled and continued to ride me.” Glancing over at him, Orion stands rigidly, the bags dropped at his feet, hands clenched.

I know I just described one of the ultimate sins a person can commit against another person according to him.

“I never breathed a word. I felt like my body betrayed me. Cocks get hard, I know the goddamn biology but—”

“No,” he says. “Yeah, it’s a biological function, but your body was trained to want her. You’d been fucking on the regular, your body knew her smell, her touch, her cunt...” Orion tears off the gloves, his feet leading him to stand directly in front of me. Sliding his hands into my hair, he fists it, giving me the bite of pain to ground me.

Gasping lightly, my lips part. Mesmerized by them, he stares as he licks his lips. “Carrie O’Reilly groomed you to respond, want, and crave her,” Orion rasps, tension running through his body. “Nothing you did with her was your fault, because you weren’t the adult in that relationship. You should have been fucking cheerleaders in short skirts, or,” Orion grins, a dark chuckle slipping past his lips as his gorgeous green eyes look up to tease me, “football players with their tight asses. The last thing you needed to worry about was Carrie O’Fucking’Reilly coming through your window. Understand?”

Orion is slightly taller than me, so I look up into his eyes, breathing hard as I listen to him. His chest is sawing, green eyes super intense as I whisper the words we both need more than our next breath. “Yes.”

Nodding, he steps back, picking up the last garbage bag and emptying out the rest into the pen.

“And we’re done. Bye Eric,” Orion smirks as the pigs swarm the last few pieces.

“Best date ever,” I snort, needing relief from the sexual tension. I really thought he was going to kiss me, and I don’t know if I should be feeling relief or disappointment. I think I feel a little of both.

Orion looks over at me, lips twisted in annoyance. Tossing his blond hair out of his eyes, he mutters, “Fuck it and this.”

Confused, I stare at him as he grabs my belt loops, pulling me towards him. Grinding himself against me, I whimper as his lips part and he growls, “Mine.”

A whisper from my lips, I can feel his breath on my face. Worried he’ll pull away again, I bite my lip. Growling, his thumb pulls my lip from my teeth.

“If anyone is biting this pouty lip, it’s me. Fuck, you drive me crazy,” he mutters. And then… his soft lips are kissing me, firmly yet exploring. Orion licks the seam of my lips and I whimper.

“You taste so damn good. Fuck, I should have done this sooner,” he says as his large hand palms the back of my head. Exploring my lips, I open for him, his tongue invading my mouth, moaning as he sucks on my lips, tongue, and my hips thrust against his.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I gasp, pulling my mouth away from his for a second. Fierce eyes take me in, and uncertainty slowly takes over them. “No, this was amazing. You’re… unexpected which isn’t bad. Everything is just…”Dammit, why can’t I talk?!

A million thoughts rocket through my brain. I need to talk to Roark and Turner about this, after we find and rescue Lennon. I barely know Orion and yet… I can’t help but feel like he’s ours.

Eyes turning hard, I pull him back to me, repeating his claim. “Mine.” Kissing him back, I continue. “This is…”

“Really fucked up and you need your girl,” he rasps and I shake my head. Becauseweneed our girl.

I know Orion isn’t going to fuck off into the sunset as soon as we find Lennon O’Reilly. A part of him has already claimed her.

“We needourgirl. Lennon was never meant to just be mine,” I scoff. “We just need to break it to Roark and Turner. Only Lennon would get claimed in a mental institution.”

Orion barks out a laugh as he slowly pulls away. Glancing at the pigs as they quiet, he nods approvingly. “Good pigs,” he mutters and I roll my lips inwards to keep from inappropriately giggling.
