Page 93 of The Sweetest Note

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Greg ungags the woman in the chair and barks, “What the hell happened here?”

“Who are you? …Derek?” she gasps, surprised.

Derek blinks, walking closer as he does. “You’re the nurse who was nice to my mother and let me into my dad’s office. He didn’t tell you to do that, did he?”

Shaking her head, she swallows. “I am Special Agent Ina Gomez, but I was Nurse Imelda while I worked here. There’s a lot of bad shit that happens here, and I was tasked with gathering intel,” Ina explains.

“I’m Greg Fox,” Greg says and the woman blanches. “Mmhmm, I’m glad you recognize the name even though I’m basically a ghost in the system now. Where’s Lennon?”

Ina shudders. “Dr. Xavier did something to her. He and Grant found out about me, and he told her to kill me and gave her a huge knife. Except…”

“Except the stupid crazy bitch attacked us instead!” Nurse Elaine screams, still putting pressure on her wound. “We were testing to see if the little lab rat could perform when triggered with a command.”

Ina nods, biting her lip as Roark glances at Greg for permission before beginning to cut through her restraints. “Lennon is so much stronger than they thought. Her body tried to follow through and took the knife, but she shoved the knife into Dr. Xavier’s side and started attacking everyone else. It’s like Lennon was trying to obey the command to kill, but avoid killing me,” Ina explains.

“Where is she then? Did they take Lennon again?” Turner asks thickly.

“I don’t think so. Dr. Xavier and Grant left the library as she was attacking people. The only reason the bitch nurse is alive is because Collymore attempted to escape as well,” Ina explains. “There was this feral, angry look that came over Lennon and she ran after him with a scream. She could be anywhere. These are really bad fucking people, and it felt as if she was finding her revenge.”

Greg shrugs. “There’s a kill order for anyone who knew what was happening here and helped. I see it as Lennon helping us out. Please find an agent and explain who you are. They’ll begin debriefing you while the rest of the hospital is searched. Was there anyone else in the sterile, white area of the hospital?”

Ina no longer looks surprised Greg knows so much and nods. “There’s four other people there,” she reveals and I jerk in surprise. It was so quiet when I walked through there, I really didn’t think there was anyone else.

My focus has always been on Lennon, though.

Glancing over at Nurse Elaine, my lips twist. “Do we want to let the nurse bitch die or are we breaking the silence order to save her so I get to play with her later?” I ask.

Ina’s eyes widen at my blatant disregard for human life, but I play by different rules than she does.

Greg picks up the radio at his hip and calls in his medic. “Keep her alive for me, we’ll question her later our way,” Greg grunts over the radio. “We’ve found where Lennon was, but are searching again.”

Greg cuts off the radio, and looks at Ina. “Can you help the medic keep her alive?” he asks. At her nod, Greg turns on his heel, raising his hand for us to follow him. “Don’t fuck up, Ina. I’m taking your word for now because you’re the only non-evil employee here. Don’t make me put a bullet in your head. Now move!”

At Greg’s roar, I watch her scurry to put pressure on Elaine’s leg. Following Greg, I see the medic pass us quickly to handle Elaine. Greg has his unhinged side as well and I’m here for it.

Walking through the hospital, I see a streak of blood by the back entrance where I let Greg and his team in that wasn’t there before.

“Hey, do you see what I do?” I grunt to Greg.

Eyes following, his brows furrow as he walks faster towards the greasy streak of blood. It appears as if someone was taken down as they were stabbed and slid before getting up again.

Blood spatter is kind of my thing.While I don’t make as much of a mess now, I have enjoyed many messy kills growing up. The clean up is hell though, so I learned to keep my workspace contained.

“Who wants to walk around the corner into that hallway?” I murmur. “It looks like whoever fell down, got up and kept going.”

Greg nods. “We aren’t separating. Let’s go see what happened together. If Ina was right, Lennon may still be panicking and on a killing spree,” he explains.

At least she’s just killing the bad guys.I agree though, Lennon’s been through a lot of trauma in a short period of time, and she’ll want to escape as soon as she’s able to.

Rounding the corner, I see a man on the floor spread eagle. Except, his entrails are no longer inside of him, and are spilling out of his stomach. It looks like Lennon had a bit of fun before taking off again.

Staring down at his sightless eyes, I scowl. “Any bets this is Collymore?” I ask.

Turner toes the man’s badge that’s clipped on his shirt. “I would say it’s pretty high,” he explains as I realize the name badge says Colly on it.

“Good girl,” I praise. “He was horrible to her, and I was going to torture him for her, but it looks as if she took care of it.”

Derek sighs. “Where the fuck is Lennon, though?”
