Page 12 of Hot and Bothered

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I watch her sleep and smile, dreams of a happy future with the little firecracker in my arms racing through my head.

I finally fall asleep and when I open my eyes it’s morning. Watery early light gilds the room and I yawn, turning over. Only to stop when I see that she’s not there. I run my hands across the silky sheets and they’re cold to the touch.

I sit up slowly and search her room. It’s empty. My phone is lying open on the bedside table. The screensaver on it is her. It has been since Harmony sent me the videos from the wedding.

I lift it slowly and stare at it, wincing. I should have told her that I had these videos. That Harmony had sent them to me after the wedding. That I knew that she was going to be here thanks to my friends.

That I fell in love with her the first time I saw her and had to see her in person to know for sure if she was my fate.

I blink in a daze when I see that I have a missed message from Harmony.

“Did you find Raven when you got there? Hope it’s going alright.”

I sit up slowly, the sheet falling down to my waist as I stare at the death of my dreams.

Maybe if I had told her, she wouldn’t have run. But I can’t change it. All I can do is try and find her.

I stand up and dress in my still-damp clothes from the night before, wincing when I try and pull the damp jeans on.

I pick up my phone and call Garret’s house. He picks up and growls. “This better be important, asshole. It’s too fucking early for a weekend.”

“Has Raven talked to you guys?”

“Why? What happened?”

I hear mutters in the background and then Harmony takes the phone. “What happened, Roderick? She called us really early in the morning. It’s the first time she’s ever quit a gig. She said she couldn’t stay there. Did something happen?”

I sigh. “Yeah. We got together last night. And then I woke up to find her gone.”

“You didn’t hurt her, did you?”

“Jesus!” I growl. “I’d never hurt her. I knew as soon as I saw those videos that she was it for me. I’ve never felt anything like it before.”

“So what happened?”

“You sent me a message in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. I think she saw the message pop up on my lock screen, which happens to be a picture from the wedding.”

Harmony hisses. “Tell me it was Garret and not her.”

I shake my head before I realize she can’t see me. “Yeah. It was Raven’s picture.”

“Oh shit.” Harmony sighs. “You really should have told her that you had at least seen the wedding video and that you were a friend of Garret’s. That might have headed off some of this stuff.”

“I realize that. Now what do I do since I didn’t do that?”

“I think you should get to the airport as soon as you can. And you better come up with something that will explain what she saw. And she still might not forgive you for lying to her.”

“I didn’t lie to her. I just didn’t tell her that I came looking for her. That I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her.”

“Just go.”

I hang up my phone and race to get to my room. I grab my bag quickly and pack it so fast that I’m not sure I’ve got it all. But nothing matters but getting to her.

Ten minutes later, I hop into the car that I called. “I need to get to the airport as quickly as possible.”

He nods his head and grins. “You got it, bruh. I’’ll have you there in no time.” The tires squeal as we hop the curb and he slams on the gas, making my neck snap backwards.


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