Page 15 of Hot and Bothered

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My heart melts into a damn puddle of goo. “That has to be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

His breath puffs into my throat on a chuckle. “Does that mean I can keep you trapped for the rest of the week?”

I can’t stop the wicked smirk that hits my lips. “I think that sounds perfect.”

He fist-bumps the air and then throws me across his shoulder, smacking my ass.

“Let’s go get this party started, princess. I’ve got so many things to show you. I want to make love to you on every surface in this house.”

That sounds like the perfect way to christen our new home. I laugh as he races inside and up the stairs, all the way to our bright, new future.


“Baby, where are you?”

“Upstairs with the kids, Roderick.”

I race up the stairs, smiling. 1o years and counting and I still can’t wait to get home to my little princesses.


Four beautiful girls turn to face me, four pairs of pale green eyes lighting up when they see me.

My wife and my three gorgeous daughters who are the spitting image of her and exact replicas of each other. Identical triplets.

I smile when I think of how I reacted when I got the news from the doctor and my wife. I literally hit the floor and had to be hospitalized with a broken arm and a mild concussion. I’ve never lived that down with my wife either.

She smiles at me and stands up, sauntering over with her lush hips swaying in her jeans. She doesn’t even reach me before I’m buried under our 3 eight-year-old daughters. I laugh out loud, my head thrown back with joy.

These four girls are my sun, moon and stars all rolled up in four bundles of energy. I’m exhausted every day when I go to bed. But so damn happy that I can’t believe this is my life.

My three girls leap up on me like little yapping dogs, chirping about their day at school and how they are doing with their new projects for science.

There’s a big science fair this next weekend and all of the girls are extremely competitive with each other. I think they’re even betting on which one of them will be the winner. Not necessarily of the whole thing but which one of them is going to beat the other two.

The smile on my face grows wider and wider as they chatter on. Until I hear my oldest daughter, Jess, picking on her youngest sister, Jackie.

“I saw that boy looking at you again,” she smirks, her peridot eyes twinkling as she harasses her sister and gives me a heart attack at the same time.

“What boy?” I growl, my chest tightening until it feels like I can’t breathe. It’s too soon. They’re too young and some little…boy is looking at my little girl.

No. Not gonna happen.

“What boy, Jackie?”

She shrugs and her mouth tightens. “Nobody, daddy. He’s just a boy. We’ve been friends since kindergarten.”

“Friends,” Jess snorts. “I don’t think he just wants to be friends.”

I whirl on her and Raven puts one hand on my arm calming me. “They’re talking about Henry.”

My shoulders go down and I can take a full breath again. “Oh. Henry. Henry’s alright. Why are they picking on her about him? He’s Marcus’s son and they’ve known him since they were born. He’s the same age as them.”

She nods and winks at me, leaning over to whisper in my ear. “But he does like her.”

My head whips up and I growl. “I swear…if he’s touched her.”

She rolls her glorious eyes and tosses her chestnut hair, giving me a whiff of her strawberry shampoo. “Give me a break, Rod. He’s a child and so are they. They’re not making out under the bleachers or something.”
