Page 7 of Hot and Bothered

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“If you don’t want to do this, don’t, princess. Just use my video or say it was closed,” I holler.

She nods her head and I think she’s going to say to go. But then my heart stops when she jumps off the platform. Her tiny figure zips down the line and I hear her screaming, see her eyes close. She’s wearing a camera on the helmet, probably catching some amazing video.

She’s almost here and I step closer to the edge, but still keeping back from where she’s coming in. Her body is rigid and she’s so tense that when she comes in, it feels like she could crack.

And then she’s back on the platform and I step forward to catch her as her legs quiver. Her green eyes open and I feel like I’m lost in the mountains of a delicate new jungle.

She’s soft and feels so right in my arms that I almost crush her when I hug her to me.

Why is this wrong when it just feels like it was meant to be?



My heart is slamming against my ribs like a runaway power tool. I can’t believe I just did that.

My legs give out and before I can fall to the ground, Roderick is there to catch me, holding me carefully, gently, as they remove all the gear that I’m tangled in.

My hands cling to his broad shoulders like he’s the only thing standing between me and sudden death. But he doesn’t say one smart-ass thing. Just stares in my eyes and smiles. “You good there, princess?”

I nod my head, still so terrified that I can’t even breathe.

He doesn’t pick on me about it though. Just smiles and pats me on the back.

“You did good, kiddo.”

“Thanks,” I breathe, sucking air in like I can’t get enough.

Which I can’t. I feel oxygen-deprived after he didn’t even say anything spicy to me.

I feel like I’m buzzing with energy and I can’t even control myself. I reach up and pull his dark head down to mine. He opens his mouth to say something but before he can even get a sound out, my lips are on his.

That buzz of electricity travels through my body, jolting along my nerve endings until it feels like I’ve caught fire. My mouth moves softly on his and he groans into my mouth. He tastes like toothpaste and coffee and it’s the most addicting taste I’ve ever had.

I lean into him and wrap my arms around his shoulders, my nails digging into his muscles, feeling them flex and bunch.

The man with us clears his throat and I jerk back from him, my eyes wide, eyelashes fluttering like butterflies.

“Ummm.” I lick my lips and his eyes follow the movement like he’s about to leap on me just like I did to him. I back away slowly, keeping my movements languid and easy. Like he’s an animal and I’m prey.

“I’m sorry, Rod. I shouldn’t have done that. I…I just lost my head. I was so happy to be on solid ground. You know.”

“I get it.” He clears his throat and he stands, sticking his hands deep in his pockets. Which makes me take note of the fact that I can see the bulge in his jeans.

I lick my lips and close my eyes. I can’t look at that or I’m gonna lose my head and beg him to come back to my room with me. Because whether I want to or not, I want him. And whether he wants to or not, he wants me.

But he was so nice and I was just so confused.

I know I can’t use that as an excuse. I’m an adult and I should be in control of my own body and my own needs.

But oh, how much I want to just grind into him and lose myself. Let him use me the way I want to use him.

He helps me stand up and I grasp onto his bulging biceps like a lifeline.

“Well? Did you get what you wanted, princess?” I nod my head but it’s not true. I didn’t get what I wanted. I got something that scares the hell out of me.

Hunger, need and the desire to lose myself in somebody for the first time in my life. Just like my mom did with my dad.
