Page 16 of Take Me with You

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“There they are,” Charles announced when we made it to the stern of the boat and found our place card settings. He grinned at Phillip and held his knuckles out for a bro tap. The act made me want to puke. “Something else cooking in that stateroom, boys?” Charles asked, winking at me.

Phillip spoke first. “Let’s just say we’re hoping you’re not serving hotdogs again.” The seated guests chuckled and made sly jokes. I noticed the hot guest, Michael, look from Phillip then to me. “One of us already had his fill,” Phillip joked, motioning toward me.

“I’ve heard you’re more than a mouthful,” Charles stated, enjoying the banter and sexual innuendos. Then he took on a sheepish look as he exaggeratingly glanced around the table. “Not that I’d know.”

I felt the heat on my face. I was embarrassed and hated being in the spotlight over sexual jokes. Phillip knew I was uncomfortable when made to look like the lady of the house. No self-respecting lady would put up with his shit, but he was peacocking right now in front of Charleston’s well-to-do gay crew and he had to be clear about hispositionin our house.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Michael, the handsome man Phillip had been speaking with in the corner earlier, carefully observing me again. What did he know that I didn’t? His staring made me think I was being studied. I’d assumed Phillip would have mentioned we’d been together since we were both sixteen, but then again, other than the two of them meeting at dinner, I was clueless how they knew one another.

Charles sat at the head of the table and tapped a spoon against his wine glass to get our collective attention. The conversations quieted when we waited for his speech. “My friends, John and I welcome you to our boat,” he began.

I was surprised John was included in theour boatpart. I could be wrong, but wasn’t Julia, his wife, on the title for the yacht.

He continued, “Let’s have an epic three day holiday and may your glasses forever be refilled.”

The guests raised their glasses and sing-songed their agreement with an occasional cat whistle added for effect. “Thank you both,” Phillip toasted, raising his wine glass to them.

I wasn’t exactly sure why Phillip’s acceptance of the pairing bothered me, but I was unamused at how he easily pushed Charles’ wife out of the picture. Julia was one of our closest friends. In fact, I imagined we’d be sharing glasses of wine with her and Charles in the very near future. This was cruel in my opinion and I hated that I was participating.

Charles spoke up again. “A few notices from the captain,” he announced. “You’ve all heard about the storm brewing south of us along Florida’s east coast, right?” Several attendees nodded and murmured in hushed tones. “I’ve been told it will most likely head back out to sea and not up to our waters, so I’ve decided, as the true captain, that we will sail to Hilton Head Island and if the storm does appear, we can dock at Port Royal Sound and hide in there.”

“Port Royal Sound?” a guest wearing a ridiculous Hawaiian shirt, asked in a bitchy voice. “There is nothing up that way except shitty towns like Beaufort. Eeewwww,” he added for impact, sounding exactly like Alexis from Schitt’s Creek.

Charles piped up. “Calm down people. We are not actually going into Beaufort, for God’s sake. We are civilized after all aren’t we?”

Everyone busted out laughing, Phillip among them.

Once again Michael glanced my way and I was quite sure he recognized my disgust at the joke about the South Carolina Low Country and the people who lived there.

Our host Charles continued. “We’ll be safe at Hilton Head’s yacht club if needed. I only mentioned it in case we have to go further inland.” Charles waved his hands dismissively. “Crashing in a storm is not going to happen boys. I have far too much caviar on board for that kind of disaster.”

I looked across the table and my eyes connected with Michael’s. He smiled and mouthed the wordhello. I smiled back and we remained fixed on each other. Suddenly, Michael stood and moved to the empty seat next to me. “I’m Michael,” he said, leaning in so I could hear him over the loud chatter of twelve drinking men. “You’re extremely attractive, Hayes.”

I was surprised by his compliment and even more impressed with his handsome features up close. He was a looker for sure. Perfect teeth and flawlessly smooth skin. His softly glowing tan matched many of the wealthy men around me. It was amazing how fresh men can appear when they apply expensive skin care. I assumed golf or tennis had been on his recent schedule. “Thank you,” I responded, inhaling his subtle and fresh cologne. He smelled like he looked. Delicious.

Phillip was busy chatting up the guy to his left and hadn’t seen Michael join me. “Let me guess. Phillip hasn’t mentioned me to you?” Michael asked.

He had my attention. “No, he has not.”

“That’s a shame because now that I’ve seen you, I’m even more interested in getting to know you both,” he stated, watching me carefully as he spoke. I had the strange feeling that he was more familiar with me and my relationship than he was divulging. “Phillip didn’t let on about what an incredibly handsome man you are, Hayes.”

“It’s been ten years, so you know, perhaps he forgot,” I snarked, wondering what the hell Michael was on about.

He placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed. “It can’t be that,” he stated. I glanced at his hand still on my thigh. “Not a chance,” he added, shaking his head back and forth.

“Do you know me?” I asked, checking to see if Phillip had noticed our conversation yet.

He hadn’t. He was too busy drooling over his server who wore an expensive tux. Phillip had a thing for guys in formal wear, and this one looked particularly hot like all of Charles’ crew.

I turned back to Michael. “I know I’ve never met you, but I feel as if you’ve already been informed about me,” I added, removing his hand from my leg.

If he was shocked by me moving his hand, it didn’t show on his face. “It appears my introduction was premature,” he said, leaning away and adjusting his legs under the table.

I realized that he had expected a warmer response to an agenda I’d yet to be informed of. I had questions, but Michael pushed his chair away from the table and began to stand. I grabbed his arm, causing him to pause and look from my hand to my face. “Is there something you’re trying to say to me?” I asked.

The handsome stranger stood and gently pulled his arm away. Before he walked away he graced me with a polite smile, that had me feeling he was in on some secret. I didn’t like the warning alarms screaming in my mind, so I turned back to Phillip for an explanation but he was heading off the deck and into the salon. He seemed to be searching for someone and I instinctively knew who.

