Page 31 of Take Me with You

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“I guess I should go to town and get us some food,” he said, seeming dejected all of a sudden, sitting at the table and resting his head in his hands. “We’re almost out of stuff.”

I stood and joined him at the table, dragging a rickety chair across the oak floor. “What’s wrong,” I asked, sensing the mood change.

“They’re gonna start looking for you,” he said softly. “Makes sense actually,” he mumbled, swiping at a crumb on the table.

“But I’m not ready to be found, Bo,” I quickly stated.

He looked at me questioningly when his eyes narrowed.

“Does that make sense? Can I say that without seeming like a bad man?”

He leaned back in his chair and sighed. When he crossed his arms I saw his defensive posture and my heart broke. The butterflies in my stomach took flight because I knew he was right.

“Someone is worried about you,” he stated. “I know I’d be if you were my man.”

I heard the part of someone worrying about me, but the words that stood out were about me being his man. “Do you want me to be your man?” I whispered, drawing invisible patterns on the tabletop with my finger. I was hesitant to look at him because I feared he would say no and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

We locked eyes and I knew whatever he said next could impact our decisions from that day forward. “We barely know each other, right?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I admitted.

“I mean, it’s way too early for me to make that statement, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Probably,” I agreed.

“Yeah,” he began. “Probably,” he added. “But also I’m afraid you’ll leave.”

“I’m afraid you’ll make me,” I confessed.

We were trapped in a place where all possible couples can get trapped. Who’s going to admit their feelings first? Who’s going to take a risk?

“Do you wanna leave?” he asked, looking at me sheepishly. “I’d never make you.”

I didn’t know what to say after the kindness he had extended. I had nothing to contribute and relied on him, but still he wanted me to stay.

Bo stood and quietly made his way to the screen door. His hand hovered over the handle as if he was unsure about stepping through and ending the needed discussion. I pushed back my chair and came up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning my face against his back.

“You’re probably right about our feelings being too soon, Bo, but who gets to decide things like that?” He squeezed my hand then pulled it to his mouth for a gentle kiss. “Please let me stay,” I asked. “Something is telling me I need you in my life.”

He turned around and studied my face carefully. There was no question he had feelings for me, but I also saw fear in his eyes. With no warning, a tear fell from each eye but he was smiling through them. “I’d like you to stay for as long as you want and if you have to leave one day, I’ll do my best to understand.”


My guest helped me move the boat back into the river where I fired up the motor and found it working well. I’d dodged a bullet with the storm surge by dragging the boat out and away from the water. I was planning a trip for supplies, but he didn’t want to go to Beaufort, saying he wanted more time to sort through the strange videos replaying in his mind. He worried walking around in a strange town would be even more confusing.

“Do you think there’s any chance I’m from around here?” he asked.

I tilted my head, narrowing my eyes and laughed before I could form the words. “Doubt it,” I teased. “There’s no way I would’ve missed you if you were from these parts, stud. Guys that look like you aren’t exactly abundant around here,” I teased.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“As you should, handsome. As you should,” I responded.

“Are you sure you don’t need my help in town? I could go if you really need me.” he said, watching me lift a heavy fuel tank and attach the hose to the motor. I’d placed the gas tanks under the shack for safety, but now that I thought about the risk of having had two large cans of a flammable liquid under the house during such a disaster, I may have dodged two bullets.

“I’ll be fine on my own,” I answered. “Maybe next time?”

He nodded and watched as I stepped into the boat.
