Page 34 of Take Me with You

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“You’re so caring, Bo. You’re selfless and loving. And you possess a disarming quality and yet I don’t think you even see the way you genuinely act,” I said. “I feel like you sincerely care about me and I’ve known you only a few days. I’m scared that I already feel some sort of way about you,” I confessed.

“Probably because I do care for you. Maybe I act like this because of you. Did you ever think about that?” he asked, trying to move the focus from him and his qualities.

“Have you ever loved anyone, Bo?” I asked. He’d mentioned having come out of a tough situation a couple of years ago but he hadn’t mentioned how much love was there.

“Yeah,” he whispered, offering nothing beyond the one word answer.

“Yeah?” I repeated.

He nodded but remained quiet.

“Still hurts?”

“Less than before, but yeah, sure, it still hurts sometimes,” he admitted.

“Do you think the hurt will ever go away?” I inquired. “I mean . . . could you love someone again?”

He held my gaze. Neither of us blinked or looked away. I noticed the faintest of lines in the corners of his expressionless face. He did have a flaw.He was twenty, right?I’d forgotten the reality that Bo was only a year past his teens and somehow the fact seemed unimportant. This was a man who had lived through some tough situations in his short life. The calendar had no impact on his maturity.

“Yeah, I could,” he admitted. “I suppose for the right man, I could do anything.”

I had no memory of love. I wasn’t even sure if I’d experienced love. But whatever the emotion was that just knocked on my heart’s door, I knew he was the man Icouldlove.

I smiled and reached for his hand. “Thank you,” I said.

“Are you okay now?” he asked.

I nodded.

“I got you more Spam.”

“See how you are, mister?”

He backed out of the bushes and stood, extending his hand to me. “Come on . . . , you,” he said, scrunching his nose up like he’d tasted something bad. “You need a name, handsome.”

“I don’t want you to call me by a name until we know what mine actually is,” I said. “That way you meet me as who I really am.”

“Sounds fair enough,” he said. “Now let’s go check out that vest.”

Bo didn’t let go of my hand when we walked to the dock to retrieve the supplies. His grip was strong and I felt protected by him. Our bond felt natural, like we’d shared one for years.

“You bought a lot of food, Bo,” I stated, after walking up to the boat. “I feel bad since I don’t have anything to contribute towards the cost.”

“Maybe we’ll find out you’re rich and then you can buy all the food.”

“What if I’m not rich?” I asked. “Maybe I have nothing and escaped a commune.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Maybe you have something that we can trade for?”

“Is that an offer?” I asked. “Because in that case, I hope I’m flat broke.”

“Are we talking about the same thing?” he asked, setting the grocery bag on the dock and turning to face me. “Because I should tell you that I find you very attractive.” He pulled me closer and kissed me hard, rubbing his crotch against me.

I brought my hand to the front of his shorts and squeezed the outline of his cock. “It seems you do,” I whispered, moving my hand up and down his well-endowed manhood.

“Do you feel well enough?” he asked in his usual thoughtful way. “I don’t want to do anything that might hurt you, baby.”

“I’d be hurt if we didn’t do something, and I just thought of a name you can call me,” I said. “When you just called me Baby, I wanted you even more.”
