Page 40 of Take Me with You

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“You still love me though, right?” I asked. I quickly caught myself after saying the word love. “I mean you still like me a lot, right?”

“After that performance I’d say you were right the first time,” he teased, knowing we’d danced around the word for a few days now. “And if you keep doing me like that and you’ll never get rid of me.”

I rolled off of him and rested on my back next to him, a cool breeze came through the screen door that I’d opened earlier.

“Now why was it that you woke me so damn early, mister busy pants?” he asked.

I rolled to my side, propping my head up with my elbow. “Wanna go check some traps?” I asked. “Maybe we can have you earn your keep, you little Spam eater, you?”

“For reals?” he asked.

“For total reals, baby. Maybe you and I can trap enough so we can step up to real meat. Whattaya say?” I asked.

He pushed me to my back and straddled me, leaning over my face and grinned like a naughty kid who just ate the last cookie. “I adore you, Boregard Dawson,” he whispered, grinning wider if possible.

I flipped him over and pinned his hands over his head. “You call me Boregard again, punk, and I’m gonna fuck your ass with no lube.”

“Promises,” he said, struggling to get free. His eyes went to my biceps and he licked his lips. “You are so sexy, mister. I want you to tie me up sometime and have your way with me,” he whispered, returning his eyes to mine and raising his eyebrows.

“Don’t ask for something you don’t truly want, boy,” I advised. “I have at least a million ideas of what I could do to atied-upyou.”

He bucked under me trying to get me off of him, so I rolled over and we cuddled for a few minutes. He fit into me like the missing puzzle piece I’d been missing all my life.

“Let’s get up,” he said, sitting up and nudging my hip. “I’m goingfishin’, people!” he hollered, holding his hands up and looking around like he had an audience. He stopped and turned to me, looking slightly confused. “We’re fishing, right?”

“Lobster trapping, but you can call it fishing if you want, or we can actually fish as well.” I answered. “Are you sure you’ve done this before?”

“How would I know?” he sassed, pushing me away from him. He jumped out of bed, his naked body making me want round two. He was breathtakingly beautiful to look at and a pang of dread came over me.

I wanted to love him like I’d never been hurt before, but I knew what we were experiencing what all couples face. The difference was that his memory loss would further test our limits. I was hopelessly in love with him. I hoped he loved me too.

“Come on, stud,” he urged, holding his hands to me.“I’m going fishin’. I’m goin’ fishin’,”he sing-songed.

The stranger who showed up on my beach over a month ago was one of the happiest people I’d ever met. He was contagious with his positive attitude, making me feel hopeful and excited about our future.

I thought about Memaw and her God.Can you help me out? I love him.


“I’ll grab the vest you showed up in,” Bo yelled from the bathroom. I heard the water running and him spitting into the sink. When he came from the bathroom he pointed at me. “You’re wearing a vest, so no arguing,” he said, heading for the screen door.

“You’re going out like that?” I asked, gesturing to his naked body. “Not that I care, but still.”

“We don’t have neighbors for miles, baby,” he said, holding his hands over his head and spinning around, showing off hishot as fuckbody. “Are you jealous someone might get a look at all this?” he teased, holding his thick cock in his hand.

“I’m sure the frogs can handle the shock.”

He pointed at me again and added a thumbs up. “Sick burn, mister.”

I watched as his almost white ass walked out the door and jumped off the corner of the deck. Bo was all man with a touch of mischievous boy wrapped in. He made me feel alive and loved like I was the only man in the world, and for some reason the feeling resonated with me. He was soft when soft was called for, silly in his behaviors, and serious when appropriate. Funny and athletic like the goofy, popular, jock at school, while being smart and witty with the banter.

He was everything I wanted in a partner based on how I felt whenever we interacted. I loved hanging out with him. I believed that he would always care for me, which he’d already proven, and also protect me while sharing his love for me every day. How did I know that? I didn’t actually, but I believed it and that was enough for me.

I leaned over the sink and spit toothpaste, and then applied deodorant that we shared. I watched myself in the mirror and wondered about my life. “Who are you?” I whispered.

“Did you say something, baby,” Bo asked, suddenly appearing in the bathroom door and scaring the crap out of me.

I jumped and dropped the toothbrush.
