Page 41 of Take Me with You

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“Are you okay?” he asked, moving to my side and gently hugging me. “Why the sad face?”

He’d seen me appealing to myself in the mirror. Asking the question I asked every day. “It’s been weeks, Bo, and I still can’t remember who I am,” I said, looking at his face in the mirror.

He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

“I’m not sure my memory is ever coming back,” I added.

“I know, my love. The feeling must be awful and I’m sorry.”

I locked eyes with him. “But what if I . . .” I started to say before he shook his head in the reflection.

“Shhhh,” he soothed. “One day at a time. It’ll eventually happen and I’ve got you if it doesn’t. You can count on me.”

I turned around and fell against his chest. “But . . . but still . . . what if?”

“If that happens then we have each other. I love you, baby,” he said, kissing my forehead. “We’ll keep building our life together and we’ll only be stronger when you regain your memory.”

“You just told me you loved me,” I stated.

“Hmmm?” he murmured. “I guess I did, and I do, so sue me.”

“You think you’re in love with me, Bo?”

“I don’t think I am. I’m sure I am,” he admitted. “It’s been weeks since I’ve known. I hope you’re okay with me saying so out loud.”

“You only beat me to it because I was worried we were moving too fast,” I said. “I want you to know that I love you too and I’m not just saying so now because you did. Maybe we’re both crazy but I know what my heart feels.”

“Good,” he said, pulling me close and kissing me softly on the lips. “Because I want to be with you and take care of you.”

Bo’s strength and the way he held me offered the safety I needed. I wasn’t sure why I thought I hadn’t been safe before meeting him, but the protection he showed me hit a sensitive part of my mind and heart. I liked feeling secure. “Thank you, Bo. For everything.”

“You’re welcome, love.” He stepped back and wiped the corners of my eyes tenderly. “I got your vest so how about we have some fun and enjoy our time together.”

I nodded and followed him out of the bathroom. He’d left the vest on the porch so he stepped out to grab it, returning with it dangling from his hand.

“Remember this?” he asked, the bright yellow material flashing in my eyes.

I felt my knees buckle and an urge to throw up overcame me before there was only blackness.

A salty smelling breeze blew across my skin. The water was smooth and blue as far as I could see in the distance. The ocean was calm but the man in my view was not. I was on a boat with the same man from the last vision.

“Jesus, Hayes. Would it kill ya to spice shit up a bit?”

“And what type of spice are we speaking about, Phillip?”

He yanked me away from the railing and into a corner outside of the salon, away from prying eyes or ears. Phillip nervously looked around before returning his gaze to me. “What if we were to add like, you know . . . like, maybe a third or something?”

“Or something?” I parroted. “Or do you mean someone?” He didn’t answer me because he knew he didn’t have to. “Let me guess,” I hissed.

He matched my arms by crossing his own. “He wouldn’t be a full partner or anything like that,” he defended. “You’d still be my main guy. You know, like the primary.” Was he fucking insane? I hadn’t signed up for a sister wives situation.

Abruptly, he was gone and I was alone in a room and it was dark outside, the seas rolling as the wind picked up. I felt panicked and desperate for air. The man was not in the room but somehow I knew he was close by.

“He cheated on you Hayes. He’s just like your daddy. You know what they say about cheaters?” The voice in my head was frightening me. “You better get off this boat, Hayes.”

And then I was gone, awash in violence, struggling to breath. Further and further away were the lights. Is that the boat? A town? Swirling through the crashing waves. “Jump, Hayes. Jump!”

My eyes cracked open and Bo was hovering over me, wiping a cool cloth across my forehead. “There you are, baby boy.” He leaned down and kissed my nose lightly. “I missed you,” he said.
