Page 44 of Take Me with You

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“What else? Where would you live if you could live anywhere?” he asked.

“Here again, probably right here. Then maybe build a newer house further in the woods but keep the shack,” I said, musing about all the possibilities. “Or maybe you’d like a place in the city and we could go back and forth so you could live your dreams too.”

“You’d be willing to do both?” Hayes asked.

“Well, yeah!” I exclaimed. “As long as the mutual goal was for our relationship.”

Hayes gazed at me, shaking his head slowly from side to side. “You are really something, Bo Dawson. You see us planning a future together, don’t you?”

“I’m dreaming about a future with you, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Well, I do have a business degree with a focus on marketing, so I could promote your business,” he teased “And I’m unemployed currently.”

“I’ve got a little in the bank,” I said, adding to the playful banter. “Certainly enough to keep Spam in your cupboard for a few years.”

“What about the bok choy?” he joked.

“We can plant a garden next to the new house for an acre of bok choy,” I said, leaning forward for a kiss.

Hayes held the side of my face and kissed me tenderly. He’d managed to address my fears in a kind way, making me feel heard.

“Thank you for listening, baby. I’m sorry I’m insecure about money, but when you’ve never had any, you think money is the cure-all. Sounds like that might not be the case.”

He laughed. “Hey, I’m not gonna lie, money comes in handy. But while you fear the lack of money, I fear that money can get in the way of true love. So with that said, I’d choose you over money every time, Mr. Dawson.”

I scooted next to him and we laid back on the dock, looking at the sky. “Do you ever wonder what’s out there?” I asked.

“Endless possibilities is what I think,” he answered.

“Kinda like us,” I stated.

“Justlike us,” he amended.

I sat up and he placed his head in my lap and grabbed my hand, moving it to his hair. Hayes loved having his head scratched and his hair played with. “What do you want to do tomorrow?” I asked, watching the late afternoon sun bounce off the river.

“I want to see a normal day in the life of Bo Dawson,” he stated. “Everything you would normally do to earn a living. No skipping any tasks.”

“We’d have to haul all of my traps back out to sea and re-bait them.”

“Do I have to touch worms or anything? That whole re-baiting thing sounds yucky,” he said, moving my hand back to his head for more attention.

“Yucky? I see you’re interested in the clinical side of my business,” I joked.

He held his hands up to me. “Check the softness of these.”

“I can see that,” I admitted. “They look like they worked in an office or some other cushy job.”

“I’ll have you know that I am a hard worker and quite strong,” he bragged, pinching my leg. “But just so you know, I don’t bait shit. I’ll scoop the lobsters up when you catch them instead.” I let out a loud laugh and he sat up quickly and gave me a dirty look. “Don’t laugh at me, mister.”

“How do you think a person catches lobsters?” I asked. “You know, just so I know you’re qualified for the job.”

He looked at me and furrowed his brow. “Well, you know, you bait the thing that . . . the pole thing, and then you look in the water to see where one is, right? And then you hit the lobster with the pole after it smells the bait. Then you jump in real fast like and you grab him. Well, you’ll be the one grabbing them until someone puts rubber bands on their teeth thingies.”

I lifted my brows and nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, don’t forget about the teeth thingies. And where are the traps while this is all happening?”

“Right next to us in the boat so we can trap them inside.” I stared blankly at him until he couldn’t handle the silence a moment longer. “What? That’s how you do it, right?”

“I love you, Hayes, but maybe you should stick to marketing.”
