Page 68 of Take Me with You

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“You can repay me by showing me the ropes tomorrow,” I said, laying a piece of my fish on his plate after he’d finished his so quickly.

He looked at the fish and then me. “I didn’t work yesterday so there weren’t any tips for me to eat breakfast.” He gave my bare upper body the once over. “You’re a stud, dude, so I’m gonna give you my first tip for tomorrow,” he said, leaning forward and whispering. “Work with your shirt off on days when women join their men on board. They tip hella good when you look like you look.”

“I’ll remember that,” I said, laughing at his insightful tip. He inhaled the fish and half of my fries. I had a sudden thought and asked. “What are you doing now or later on?” I asked.

He lifted his face to me questioningly. “You hitting on me, pretty boy?” he asked, winking at me. “Because if you are, I might just say yes.”

“Stop!” I joked. “I like my men a bit . . . how can I say this, cleaner.”

“I shower up real pretty,” he boasted. “Seriously though, you’re gay?” he added.

“Yep, and not one of those closeted gays either. So you’re free tonight?”

“To hook up?” he asked, appearing dumbfounded. “I haven’t showered in two days,” he admitted.

“Not to hook up, you dumb shit. I mean, you’re hot and all, but I’m in a relationship. I was thinking maybe you’d like a hot shower, a nice bed, and a good meal. On me,” I added before thinking. He studied me carefully like maybe he didn’t trust my offer or me as a person since I was being so generous this soon and offering him help. I doubted he’d experienced much help in his young life, and I understood the reality of being broke and on your own.

“Why would you do that?” he asked. He looked around to see if anyone was close enough to hear. “I don’t do three ways, dude.”

“I’m not looking for sex, Ethan. Just offering you a hand up until you get paid.”

He looked away and stared at the water for a moment before turning back to me. “You just want to help me out?” he asked.

I nodded

“Nothing else?” he added.

“Friendship maybe,” I stated. “Plus, we’ll be working together so why not?”

“You live faraway?”

“Mount Pleasant,” I answered. “Creekside Park, to be exact.”

His eyes widened and he leaned back. Whether shocked or pissed I couldn’t tell. “Creekside Park?” he asked.

I nodded.

“No thanks, man. I’m not some fucking charity case for one of you rich assholes.” He stood and grabbed his tray.

“Whoa!” I said. “Hang on a second, man. I’m not offering you charity. I don’t even own the house at Creekside Park. It’s not mine and not my normal place of living. My boyfriend owns the house, not me,” I reassured.

“So you just married rich, is what you’re saying? Same fucking thing, dude. Same fucking thing,” he spat.

“Now hang on, Ethan. It’s not like that at all. I’m just like you,” I defended. “I live in a fishing shack outside of Beaufort, for Christ’s sake. I’m fucking poor.”

Ethan stared at me like I was the enemy. “Yeah? Well, thanks man for making me feel better about you and me being poor. Fuck you!”

“Ethan? Come on, buddy. I didn’t mean it like that,” I said, standing and moving to his side of the table. “Hey, I’m sorry,” I added, touching his arm.

He stared at my hand on his arm and his lip curled in a sneer. “It makes you feel good helping losers like me, doesn’t it, rich boy?” he asked, glaring at me. “Save your guilt.”

“Jesus, fuck!” I stated.

He leaned toward me. “Don’t bother showing up for work tomorrow either, dude. Cap’n Jimmy don’t want some rich, spoiled, fag on his boat. Now take your hand off of me.”

I watched as the person I’d hoped to be friends with walked away. I was acutely aware that people like him and I spent our lives hating on rich people, but standing on the receiving end of his anger when I wasn’t actually part of the elite felt like shit.

Ethan hadn’t even been willing to give me a chance to be his friend. I’d gone from having a new job and a new workmate, to having neither. I wondered why people built real and or imaginary boundaries around their lives based on the perceptions of others? Could those with less coexist with those who have plenty? Better yet, could those with plenty be satisfied living in the world of those with less?
