Page 69 of Take Me with You

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Where did that leave Hayes? Where did it leave me?


Bo hadn’t been himself for several days. He was quiet and engaging less with me as he went through the motions instead of being an active participant. I was alarmed by his distant attitude because I had never witnessed that side of him. Since he was withdrawn and I was buried up to my neck in my many businesses, our sex life was suffering.

To keep some type of fire burning between us, I suggested we shower together. “Now it’s your turn, baby,” I said when I stepped out and started drying myself.

“I’m tired,” he said, kissing my cheek, walking to the bed naked and crawling in.

He’d just sucked my cock in the shower because I’d asked him to but he didn’t want reciprocation. That in itself was unheard of. I walked into the bedroom. “Did you find someone new at the docks the other day?” I jokingly asked. “You’ve been acting strange ever since, mister.”

“That’s not funny, Hayes.”

“Hayes?” I asked, raising my eyebrows at him. “We’re going by first names now, are we?”

“I don’t cheat,” he stated.

I scooted next to him, lifting his arm so I could slide under it, and resting my face on his chest. “I know that, baby. I trust you.” I ran my fingers over his tight stomach, inching towards his pubes and hoping for a reaction. I liked sucking on Bo’s huge cock. A lot.

He moved my hand away. “Not tonight,” he whispered, hurting my ego and my heart.

I sat up and crossed my legs, holding his hand while carefully watching him. “Okay, Bo. I know you. What’s up?”

He remained silent and stared at the foot of the bed, ignoring my question.

“So nothing?” I asked. “Are you sure?”

He finally turned to me, his expression was sadder than I ever imagined he was capable of showing. “I don’t know if I can do this, Hayes.”

My heart seized.

“This probably won’t sound right or might even sound mean, but I’m lonely here,” he whispered. “Even with you in the house.”

My heart sank to my stomach. He may as well have stabbed me. “You are?” I asked.

He nodded, his eyes welling up.

“I’m sorry, baby,” I said, removing my hand from his and placing it nervously in my lap. “Am I doing something wrong?”

He shook his head then paused for a moment while he gave thought to my question. “No. Not really,” he began. “You’re just running your business like you should be doing and living the life you had before you met me. I understand you have a lot on your plate.”

His words were painful to hear but he was correct. I had quickly slid back into old routines. With Phillip, we’d lived apart and had our own careers, so my solitary lifestyle worked better. The things I often complained about to Phillip, I was doing to Bo now. Phillip and I would spend days apart, only meeting on our two scheduled weekly sex dates. I had begun to feel unloved and underappreciated with Phillip. Basically, he and I had fallen victim to our routines and stopped taking care of our relationship.

“Can you give me the chance to try harder?” I asked. “I promise I can do better, baby. I’ll even support you getting a job here.”

“The job isn’t the real problem, Hayes, and you know it. I love you, baby, but look at you after just two weeks,” he said, gesturing to me. “You have dark circles under your eyes, and you’re as pale as a ghost because you haven’t been in daylight for weeks. You live off of pots of coffee and one slice of dry toast until a late night dinner where you only order a fancy salad. You’re barely eating, baby.”

I felt self-conscious after the dressing down, touching my eyes and wondering how awful I truly looked. “I don’t have a choice, Bo. I’m not at my father’s company utilizing his resources like I used to and the work is killing me,” I defended.

“And because you’re working like this, your job is killing us.”

“That’s not fair,” I snapped.

“What part?” he asked. “The part where you go into your office at the crack of dawn and come out after sunset. And by the way, in case you haven’t looked at a calendar, we’re in July and it gets dark at half past nine.”

Pursing my lips at his attempt at a joke, I waved a dismissive hand at him. “I have so many people I’m responsible for. I can’t fail and have people lose their livelihoods, Bo. That’s not fair either,” I argued.

“But your absence in our relationship is?”
