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“She told me how you and your best friend worked really hard to build the company and she said she’d be damned if she handed over the reins to your evil cousin Bastien,” Jayden finished in that near whisper.

Shocked, Christian stared at Jayden.

How on earth could he have forgotten about Bastien? He’d always been a thorn in Christian’s side. He could just imagine what a giant headache he might have become for Priya, seeing that he’d always resented the place she and Jai had occupied in Christian’s life.

His hand over his mouth, his son flushed. “Don’t tell her I said that, okay? She doesn’t know I heard it. Mama doesn’t like it when I curse.”

Christian pursed his mouth and nodded. It was more than clear what a wonderful boy his son was and what a stellar job Priya had done raising him.

There was so much to learn, so much he had to figure out. And the thought of doing that without Priya by his side made bile rise in his throat. The physical sensation was so strong that he frowned. It was a weakness, this constant need for her, to see her as his anchor, but God help him, he had no idea how to shed it.

Jayden’s small hand moving over his head brought him back.

Just looking into his face made Christian breathe a little easier. Apparently, his son was a fount of all kinds of interesting information. “So why do you think your mama would be sad? About you eating all those sweets?”

Jayden tapped his forehead. “She says Grandpa Ben and Grandma spoil me rotten. But she’s got to be a CEO, too. So she has two big jobs. She says being my mama’s the best out of the two, though.”

“I don’t doubt that,” Christian said with a smile. His mind was running over all the problematic scenarios Bastien would’ve created for Priya, all the challenges she’d have faced. All the different things she’d had to juggle over the years without any kind of emotional support. He also had no doubt that her mother and his grandfather—both with strong, dominating personalities—had often put her in the middle of their squabbles, too.

“I wouldn’t have survived if I remained that weak waif, Christian. I had to grow up.”

“Thank you for sharing your secrets with me, Jayden.”

Jayden nodded but the thoughtful look was back in his eyes again. “So you’re my dad, right? Can I call you that?”

Christian ruffled his hair, his throat full again. “Whatever you want to call me is okay, buddy.”

With no warning, Jayden threw himself at Christian. Christian rocked onto his heels but caught him anyway. Less to do with his son’s tiny body and more about the innocent affection. Again, he was hit by a sense of alarm and awe at how big a place this tiny boy had already carved in his heart. By that sense of loss that he’d missed so much of Jayden’s life already.

“You want to play with me and Aiden later? Aiden’s my best friend. Kinda like you and Uncle Jai used to be. Sheela might be there, too,” he said, with less enthusiasm.

Christian pushed to his feet and took Jayden’s hand. “Absolutely, I’d love to play with you and your friends. And this Sheela... You don’t like her?”

“She’s a lot of fun, for a girl,” Jayden said and snuck a glance back at his mom. “Mama says I shouldn’t say that. It’s just that Sheela changes the rules. But I swore I’d be nice to her.”

“Yeah?” Christian said, laughing.

“Yes. Mama said you and Uncle Jai were the bestest friends. That you were never mean to her just because she’s a girl. She says that’s how I should behave.”

Christian’s gaze shifted to Priya, who was almost upon them. There was that hum under his skin again, as if he was a magnet vibrating in her presence.

“What are you both talking about?” she asked.

“Just boy stuff,” Christian explained, with a wink at his son.

Jayden beamed. “Boys have secrets, Mama. Now I won’t tell you all those gross jokes.”

Priya ruffled his hair. “I didn’t mind, Jayden.”

Jayden turned to Christian. “You should tell her when your head hurts again... Dad.” He looked at his mother and she nodded. His brown eyes twinkled as his smile took over his entire face. “She’ll cuddle you and give you the best kisses, and then your headache will disappear, like this,” he said with a click of his fingers that wasn’t quite a click.

Then he took off without a backward glance, his short legs bounding off.

Christian felt as if his son had established a direct line to his heart and was tugging it, this way and that. That he was going to do it for the rest of their lives and there was nothing to do but accept it. To count this as one of the blessings he’d never thought to receive.

Jayden ran to his grandparents and Ben. All three of them immediately joined his game of catch with undivided attention.

Priya stood leaning against the wall, her gaze landing on his face but not quite staying there. He felt a different kind of tug as his eyes rested on her. The V created by her dress shirt gave a glimpse of smooth brown skin. He still couldn’t get over how fiercely different she looked. It was as if her resolve had etched itself into her features, becoming a part of her.
