Page 16 of Baby Daddy Boss

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Myfingerswerewrappedtight around my cock as I laid back in bed. The softness of my fresh sheets and the cool air from the night drifting in through my open window allowed my mind to wander. It was easy for her to invade my thoughts as my palm shifted slowly over my erection, teasing the sensitive flesh. The phantom scent of orange blossoms tickled my nose, and I groaned, letting my hips roll up to meet my hand as I remembered the taste of salt from her skin and the citrus from the grapefruit still lingering on my tongue.

It was so good, so addictive, and I couldn’t stop thinking about Roseline. I always wanted her, but now I couldn’t get her out of my head. I remembered the tiny things she did, how she chewed on her pen cap, and how she tapped her fingernails. I remember how she stopped to help a student pick up their things even though she was rushing just as much as they had been. She was painfully kind, even though she was fiercely strong and reactive.

I remembered the heat of her body under me and around me. It made my hand feel like ice cubes in comparison. Still, I couldn’t help fucking my fist every night when I thought of her. I wanted to hold her, kiss her, take her out somewhere, and show her the best time ever. I wanted to care for and protect her, so she never had to worry.

When I learned how much she was struggling for money, I couldn’t help but want to reach out. I wanted to offer to help directly. But her pride would never let me do that.

Who was I to her but a colleague and a one-night stand? Yet I couldn’t believe I’d met her before. I was certain I would remember her. “Orange blossoms,” I murmured, allowing my thoughts to drift back to her. The soft weight of her breasts and the wide curve of her hips were imprinted into my memory.

But it was her scent that kept drawing me in. It reminded me repeatedly of a night I’d pushed far back into my mind. Even as I remembered kissing down her skin, over her thighs, tasting from her cunt, that thought still niggled at me. My hand sped up, and pre-cum began to ease the glide of my flesh against itself. My breathing grew shallower, and it hitched painfully every time I rubbed the callous on my thumb under the head of my erection. I remembered how she felt around me, how tightly she squeezed when she came.

What she looked like, the way her back bowed and her jaw would open in a scream. I bit my lip as I threw my head back, and my length kicked in my hand, cumming hard against my stomach. “Damn,” I chuckled as shivers took over my body, and I looked down with lazy eyes at the mess I had made on my bare torso. Then within my post-orgasmic haze, everything snapped together, those green eyes, the bridge of freckles, that special curl to her hair, and that scent that never left my memory.

She was the woman I’d been searching for, the one I’d slept with at the conference. I gasped, suddenly sobered and became painfully aware of how dumb I was. I’d already thought they were similar, but things had changed. They were small changes but enough that she looked different. How could I have not figured it out before? “Her name was Roseline,” I smiled in self-deprecation. “I couldn’t believe I forgot her when she was standing right before me. How dumb can you be, Aldric?” No wonder she seemed to hate me. But did she really? I stood from my bed, feeling lightheaded as I went to the bathroom to clean up.

She had readily let me place my claim to her once again. This realization just made my desire for her that much stronger. Yet, she knew who I was, so why had she never told me? And that’s just what I intended to ask her.

The next day I was going over my latest research project’s most recent results when she came through the office door. I marked the page before I looked up at her. How should I go about this? She appeared calm enough but berating her with questions first could spark an argument. I didn’t want that; she would shut down. I wanted answers this time.

“Morning, Roseline,” I murmured just loud enough for her to hear. “Would you like some coffee? I’m about to head out to the cafeteria.” She blinked up at me, surprise written all over her face, yet all she said was, “Yes, please. Cream and one sugar?” I nodded and walked out, leaving her to settle in without feeling on edge with my presence hovering around.

Perhaps I was manipulative but tired of being in the dark. I needed to know the answers that she was guarding. I carefully bought coffee and doctored it up for both of us, mine with only half a sugar packet and hers a dark brown with a full sugar packet. I smiled as I thought about how this could almost be considered a date if it weren’t for the fact that I was about to prod at Roseline in a way I knew she would consider invasive.

I stepped back into the office to see my young protégé going over the schedule for the day and collecting papers for the classes. She was muttering to herself, and I could not make sense of a word she was saying.

I cleared my throat lightly, and her head flew up; she gifted me a smile as her eyes flicked to the cup in my hand. Coffee always won over the hearts of the hard-working. “Oh, thank you so much; I feel like I’ve constantly been running on fumes,” she chirped. I almost felt bad for what I was about to ask, almost.

“I remember you now,” I stated slowly. Her hand paused, raising the coffee to her lips, peering at me over the lid before saying, “Oh?” I don’t know if she didn’t believe me, but I felt the nape of my neck prickle at how her eyes avoided looking directly at me. I cleared my throat again, completely unnecessarily, and took a long drink from my coffee, hoping to make her use her words.

I needed her to be more open to talking. “You’re the girl from the conference. I never got your name, and you ran out in the morning before I even woke up,” I clicked my tongue in frustration at the memory. “I looked for you for months while I traveled back and forth after the conference. I asked everyone I thought you might have met. Not that I had much hope of finding you. You were a mystery to everyone.” I watched the way she seemed to twitch.

She finally took a drink of her coffee and contemplated how to answer me.

“Yes, we met that day. To be honest, I never intended to meet you again if I could help it,” Roseline said, her brows pinching together.

“Why? Why didn’t you ever tell me you knew me? Why did you run?” I wheedled harder.

“Does it even matter?” Her voice was growing tighter, her body tenser.

“Of course, it fucking does,” I snarled, forcing myself not to crush the cup in my hand.

“I ran away that morning because…because I—” she dropped her gaze to the ground and bit down hard on her lip violently. “I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know you. I hadn’t ever done that kind of stuff before. I mean, how did I know you wouldn’t want more? I didn’t want more, my focus was on getting my degree! But I didn’t want less either. I just…I wanted to forget, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t. It’s like the memory of you always reminded me of what could have been. I often thought I should have stayed."

I sighed and stepped to the other side of the room, where my desk stood. I knew she was younger than me, but sometimes she was so mature. I forgot how much I probably hurt her that night, even though she had also agreed to it. What a fucked-up situation. I turned to her and said, “And why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I have a child now,” she whispered just barely loud enough, and for a moment, I wondered if I had misheard her. “Your child.” The last two words were firmer and louder, and she met my look of disbelief with a relentless and audacious gaze.

I leaned against the desk, shaking my head as denial took hold of my body with a vicious grip. “No,” I said, my conviction as strong as hers. “No, you are mistaken. I always wear a condom.”

“No,Dr. Aldric Haile,” she spat my name like it was a curse. “I’m not mistaken.”

She gathered her bag and left the room with the door slamming behind her so hard the frosted glass rattled.

Chapter 12

