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I knew that. Iknowthat. I would never ask Bentley for a fucking prenup though. “We’re not living together,” I tell him as they step into the lift.

“Yet. I give it four weeks. A thousand bucks says I’m right,” Alistair mumbles to Xavier.

“You’re on. I give it two weeks,” Xavier counters.

The doors shut and I shake my head. Trust my friends to bet on how long it takes me to convince Bentley to move in.

I walk back into the bedroom, undress, and climb into bed. Bentley rolls over. “They’re gone already?” she asks.

“Yeah.” I wrap my arms around her and pull her close.

“That was a quick visit. What was it about?”

“I told them we were going steady.” I grin.


My stomach twists with nerves as I walk into the office. I trust Nathan. I do. But it doesn’t stop the doubt from creeping in. Is every one going to be talking behind my back? Do they all know?

He said the other partners wouldn’t tell anyone, but how does he know that for sure? And what about what they think of me? I’ve been debating quitting all morning. Nathan left early. He always leaves for the office before I’m even awake. He says he stops at the gym first.

Quitting seems like the right thing to do. I can go to another firm, hopefully with my reputation still intact. And if I’m at another firm, my relationship with Nathan won’t be put through the stress working together can cause. I want this relationship. I want Nathan. I also really wanted to work at this firm. But, at the end of the day, it’s just a job. A job I can do at any firm.

I honestly think what I have with Nathan isn’t something I’ll ever find again. And I’m petrified of losing him. I don’t want to lose what we have. I’ve watched my mum’s heart break over and over again because she’s lost her soul mate. She tries to hide her pain from Jules and me, but I see it. I’ve heard her crying in the middle of the night when she thinks we’re asleep. I’ve heard her begging my father to come back.

I hate that my father gave up his life so easily. But I hate Mark Kemp even more for putting him into that position. Shit, the Gallah claim. If I quit, I won’t get to work on that case. I really want to win.

I walk straight into my office and close my door without looking at anyone. I can’t face them right now. I can’t deal with the side-eyes and awkward glances if they do all know. Maybe I should have stayed in bed. Called in sick. It’s not too late. I could go home, tell everyone I’m not feeling well all of a sudden.

The door to my office opens and Nathan walks in, closing it behind him. He stops, as his eyes inspect every inch of my face. “What’s wrong?” he asks.

“Nothing. Why would something be wrong?”

“Bentley, what’s wrong?” he asks again.

I huff out a breath. “Do they know? Everyone, does everyone know?” I question him.


“Are you sure?”

“I’m one hundred percent sure. Xavier and Alistair, they’re named partners, Bentley. They don’t get involved in gossip. On top of that, they’re my best mates. They’re not going to say anything,” he assures me.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I just… I worked really hard for this. I don’t want to be the laughing stock of the firm.”

“Anyone ever laughs at you, I’ll fire them,” he says, his expression stone-cold.

“You can’t do that,” I tell him.

“I’m the boss. I can.”

“OMG. No. I don’t want any preferential treatment, Nathan. I mean it.”

“Okay, no preferential treatment. Got it,” he says, walking over. His arms wrap around my waist, pulling my body flush with his. “My cock sure does think you deserve preferential treatment though.”

“Well, he can show me all the preferential treatment he wants. You, not so much.”

“I’ll do my best,” he says as his lips touch mine. His tongue pushes into my mouth, seeking ownership of this kiss. I snake my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Kissing him harder. Nathan breaks contact first. “As much as I hate to stop this,” he says, pecking my lips again. “I do have work to do. And so do you.”

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