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When I hear the words ‘quit’ and ‘you’re a fucking idiot’ being shouted, I know I have to get out of here. The last thing I wanted to do was cause issues for Nathan with his friends. I honestly thought me quitting was the best thing for all of us. I pick up my bag and turn off the lights in my office. Reaching for the door handle, I freeze when it opens from the other side.

Nathan stands in my now-open doorway, his eyes assessing me. “Going somewhere?” he questions.

“Ah, yeah. Home,” I tell him.

He steps aside and lets me walk passed him. I glance over my shoulder to see him staring right back at me. I knew he’d be pissed off. I just didn’t expect to see the hurt on his face as well. I have to get him to understand that this is good for both of us.


Ilook up when there’s a knock on my door. “Shardonnay, what can I do for you?”

“Mr Christianson would like to see you in his office, immediately. His words, not mine,” she says.

“Did he say why?” I ask.Why didn’t he just call through or come here himself?

She shakes her head and walks back to her desk.

Standing, I pick up my phone and head into Xavier’s office right as Alistair is doing the same. We share a look. Neither of us appears to know why we’ve been summoned. As soon as the door shuts behind me, all hell breaks loose.

“You’re a fucking idiot,” Xavier yells, his rage directed at me.

Alistair glances between us. “Xav, that is nothing new. What’s going on?”

“She quit.” He holds up a piece of paper and waves it in front of us.

My brows furrow. “Who quit?”

“Only the best first-year associate we’ve ever had. Bentley fucking quit. What the fuck did you do?” he hisses in my direction.

“She’s not quitting,” I tell him.

“Yeah, well,thissays otherwise.” He gestures to the document again.

Walking up to him, I snatch the paper out of his hands and read the perfectly typed-out letter of resignation. Then I tear it in half. “She’s not fucking quitting,” I say again before depositing the pieces on his desk. Storming out of Xavier’s office, I head for Bentley’s.

Quitting, she’s fucking out of her pretty damn mind if she thinks she’s quitting our firm.

I open the door and find her standing there, her bag on her shoulder while looking like she just got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

“Going somewhere?” I ask her.

“Ah, yeah. Home,” she says, a slight quiver to her voice.

I step aside and allow her to pass. I’ll let her think she’s leaving without a fight, only because I don’t want to cause any more of a spectacle in this office today. I can feel eyes on me from every direction as I watch Bentley walk out the doors.

Returning to my office a few minutes later, I slam the door shut and slump into my chair. She can’t quit. Where the fuck does she think she’s going to get a job that’s better than the one she has? Here, at this firm. Nowhere, there is nowhere better than us.

I won’t let her throw her dreams away because she thinks she can’t have it all. She can, and she fucking will. I’ll make sure of it.

Shutting down my laptop, I pack up my shit. Thank fuck it’s the weekend. I plan on going and retrieving my little runaway and tying her to my bed for the next few days, at least until she changes her mind about this whole quitting thing.

As I’m leaving the office, I get a message from Alistair.


Unhinged tonight, VIP booked.

