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“Fuck, I love when your pussy milks my cock. Just like that. It’s all yours, Bentley.” Nathan grunts as his thrusts become more rigid before he stills. Slowly pulling out of me, he collapses next to me on the bed, my legs still daggling off the end. “I’m so fucking glad we can continue to take lunch breaks like this,” he pants.

“Mmm, me too.” I smile, my eyes closed as exhaustion creeps in.

* * *

My eyes blinkopen slowly as I bring the blanket up under my chin. I really do love and appreciate Nathan’s penchant for quality bedding.


My eyes pop open as I bolt upright in bed. Memories of just how I ended up in my present state flood my mind, with the remainders of his efforts still throbbing between my legs.

“Nathan!” I yell out as I jump off the bed, completely naked. Looking at the clock, I see it’s three p.m. Why the hell didn’t he wake me? I need to get back to the office.

I walk into the bathroom and throw on the robe Nathan leaves in there for me before padding into the hallway. I call out for him again, only to hear silence in return. When I reach the kitchen, I find a note scribbled in his handwriting on the counter.


Sorry I had to leave you. I have meetings I need to attend. You looked too peaceful to disturb. Stay here. I’ll be home around seven tonight.



Stay here?He can’t be serious. He shouldn’t have let me sleep. Does he think I don’t have work that needs tending to as well. Scrunching up the piece of paper, I throw it across the kitchen before storming back to the bedroom. I take an extra-quick shower to wash off the aftermaths of our lunch break and then slip back into my work clothes. I manage to get out the door of the building in fifteen minutes.

Pulling out my phone, I call for an Uber. Thankfully, there’s a driver only two minutes away. My anger at Nathan palpitates as I wait. When the car pulls up in front of me, I check the number plate against the one showing on the app before jumping in. You never can be too careful, or at least that’s what my mother has drilled into me and my sister for as long as I can remember.

I need to make a trip home. I need to see my mother. It feels like I haven’t seen her in forever. I’ve been spending all of my spare time at Nathan’s. I have a really hard time saying no to the man. Well, right now, with how pissed off I am, I don’t think I’ll have a hard time saying no. I think I’ll go and sleep in my own bed tonight. At home. Alone.

I thank the driver and rush out of the car when he pulls up outside the firm. I give the doorman a tight smile. It’s the best I can manage right now. My finger stabs at the button for the lift. The longer I wait, the more I’m burning up about the fact that he left me behind.

Does he not value the work I do? Does he think I don’t add anything of importance? Maybe I should have put more thought into my decision to stay on with the firm. I mean, if Nathan valued my position here, wouldn’t he have woken me up and told me to get back to work? He is my boss after all. I know I’m a first-year, but I still like to think that I add something to the team. I take great pride in the work I do, even if most of it is proofing reports and other tasks the more senior lawyers don’t want to do.

I love it though. I love knowing that I’m getting paid to do what I love. I really thought I was proving my worth, proving that the partners made the right choice when they hired me. I was up against hundreds of people for this position. They chose me, and that’s something I took great pride in. Now I can’t help but wonder if part of the reason I got the job was because Nathan wanted in my pants.

Surely not. If that were true, Xavier and Alistair wouldn’t have put so much effort into changing my mind about leaving.

As I ride the lift to the top floor, because of course they occupy the top floor, my anger simmers. Those all-too-familiar butterflies fill my stomach at the thought of seeing Nathan. I choose to ignore them and do my best to hold on to my anger. I don’t want to be a pushover, and I need him to know that my job is important too. I might not be the almighty Nathan Miller, but watch this space, because I’m determined to take his title as the best corporate lawyer in town.


Ihad to pull myself away from a sleeping Bentley and drag my sorry ass back to the office. I wanted to wake her, tell her to come with me. That I needed her.

I didn’t do that though.

Instead, I left her asleep because I didn’t want to see the worry, the disappointment, on her face when she found out I’d been served. Xavier and Alistair blew up my phone, telling me I’d been served with a lawsuit from Clive Corporation. Turns out that good-for-nothing grandson of Old Man Clive is out for my blood.

Even though I told Clive where to shove his business, he took my advice and added a safety clause to his retirement plan—a handover which must have just recently taken place. I don’t know the particulars of why the little fucker is trying to sue me. And I don’t care. Because I know he won’t fucking stand a chance of winning. I also don’t want Bentley to take the blame. It was her I chose over Clive Corp’s business, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

“Have you read this shit? It’s laughable.” I throw the piece of paper I’m holding onto the desk.

“I’ve read it,” Xavier says.

“And?” I ask him with a raised brow.

“I agree. It’s laughable. The kid’s grasping at straws.”

I already knew that, but hearing it from my business partner, my best friend, having that confirmation is somewhat comforting.
