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“I have a case I want you to look into. One with a defendant I’m not interested in representing.” Xavier’s lips tip up at one side.

“Well, call me intrigued. Come on through.” The detective holds the door open. We’re led into an office, where he sits behind the desk and gestures to a set of chairs. “Have a seat.”

“This won’t take that long. Mark Kemp was responsible for putting a hit on Oliver Johnson. He was caught on tape, admitting to the crimes before leaving the courtroom this afternoon.” Xavier places the recording device onto the desk and presses play.

After a moment, the detective hits the pause button and asks, “How did you come across this?”

“I had the device in my pocket when he approached us,” Xavier tells him. “I trust that you will do what you need to do with this information.”

“I’ve been looking for a way to bring that fucker down a peg or two. This will do it,” Anderson replies while leading us to the front of the station.

“Thank you.”

Bentley hasn’t said a word. I chose to let Xavier handle this, considering he seems to know the lead homicide detective. When we step outside the building, there’s already a town car parked and waiting.

“The jet’s ready. You two are all set for a weekend on the Gold Coast.” Xavier smiles and urges us to go.

“Why don’t you grab Alistair and come with?” I suggest.

“Let me check with Shardonnay. You go ahead. I’ll call you.”


Nathan’s invitation for Xavier to join us on this little impromptu trip to the Gold Coast—which the latter had organised, mind you—has turned into an all-in trip. Everyone is here: Xavier and Shardonnay, Alistair, and Lucy.

Xavier’s little sister Lucy also happens to be best friends with Shardonnay. I’m happy they’re here. I get along well with both of them. As much as I’d love to be on this plane alone with Nathan right now, because I just know he would have given me a ticket to the mile high club if we were, I’m also happy to have some girlfriends around.

I spent so much of my time at school studying and worrying about grades that I didn’t make any real connections with other girls. Jules was my only friend, which is kind of sad, but also she’s freaking awesome so I don’t mind.

We’ve just landed on a private airfield on the Gold Coast, one I’ve been to before with my parents. Back when I was a one-percenter like the Christiansons. I don’t think I miss the luxuries though. I did for a while when everything was first taken away. But I grew to not need materialistic things.

“You okay?” Nathan asks me, his hand gripping mine and holding me back from climbing into the limo with everyone else.

“I’m good. Are you?” I counter.

“I get to look at you in a bikini all weekend. What could be better?” He grins.

“You could be looking at me naked all weekend?” I fire back.

“That would be better,” he grunts.

“Come on, lovebirds, the sun’s going down and there’s an ocean calling my name,” Lucy yells out.

We slide in and the limo takes off. Shardonnay hands me a glass of champagne, which I gladly accept and clink against hers and Lucy’s.

“To a weekend of sun, champagne, and orgasms.” Lucy laughs.

I take a sip of the sweet, bubbly liquid. It’s heaven, the coolness exactly what I need to combat the Queensland heat. I thought it was hot in Melbourne, but the southern state has nothing on this northern one.

“Lucy Christianson, I do not needor wantto hear any more talk of orgasms out of your mouth,” Nathan scolds her.

“But you like orgasms.” I smile at him innocently while the rest of the car bursts into laughter.

“I like watchingyouorgasm. Lucy does not do those things. She’s far too young,” he says.

“She’s only two years younger than I am, and I was having orgasms two years ago.” I shrug. The growl that emanates from Nathan sends shivers down my spine.

“You know what? I’m with Nathan on this one. Lucy does not have boyfriends,” Xavier adds.
