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“Fucking hell. You are going to be the death of me… I swear to god.” Gio curses under his breath as he pulls out his phone and starts tapping furiously on the screen.

“You okay?” Dani asks me.

“Never been better.” I lean down and capture her lips in mine.

“Ew, stop, there’s a reason bedrooms were invented.” An ice cube hits my head, and I look up to see Xavier’s sister glaring at us.

“Lucy, you don’t know what bedrooms were invented for. You’re not old enough to know that,” I tell her.

“Oh yeah, well, I guess when Dominic snuck into my bed last night and…” A hand covers her mouth, and Dominic whispers something into her ear before dropping his arm. “Fine, you’re right. I don’t know anything about what bedrooms were invented for,” she says to me, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

I look from Dominic to Lucy. I don’t like him. How the fuck Xavier is so casual about them being together beats me. “Good, keep it that way,” I tell her.


“This place is paradise,” I tell Alistair, my eyes focused on the ocean waves as they lap at the shoreline. We’re sitting on our own private patio that leads right onto the beach.

When Xavier said he rented out a resort, I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t this.Thisis next-level luxurious.

We have our own butler. A full-time butler just for our bungalow. It’s insane and a waste of funds, considering neither me or Alistair have called him to fetch us anything. Although I think that might be an addition the De Bellis family threw in.

There’s also a lot of men here. I swear the male to female ratio is at least ten to one. Daisy has been having a fit all weekend, her tantrums aimed at Eloise for allowing herto lookbut refusing to let hertouch.

“It is, but being here with you makes it that much better,” he says.

“Smooth, Mr Warner, smooth.” I laugh.

“I try.” He shrugs.

“I can see why they picked this place to get married. It’s really nice and secluded,” I tell him.

“It is.” He stares out at the ocean.

“You know, they don’t look stressed at all. When I was planning my wedding, it was literally the worst time of my life. I’ve never been more stressed out than while trying to create the seating arrangements for the reception. Too many people who can’t sit near each other, making sure that that one uncle—you know the one who’s bound to take liberties with the open bar—isn’t anywhere near the front. It was a nightmare,” I tell him.

“Why didn’t you just call it off?” he asks me.

“Because I thought I was in love. I thought the wedding was the start of my forever.”

“Youthoughtyou were in love? You think differently now?”

“I think I loved him once. I think we were too young. And, honestly, now, I think it was for the best. Hunter made the right choice. Kind of. I mean, he could have broken up with me before I put on the fucking white dress. That thing wasn’t easy to get off. Also, my parents spent a lot of money on a wedding that never happened. I’ve been saving up to repay them but they won’t take a cent from me.”

“It’s not your fault your ex is a dipshit,” Alistair says.

“No, but I should have known something was off. I just thought it was the stress of the wedding. I thought we’d just be settled once it was all over.”

“What about now? You think you’ll put yourself through that again?” he asks.

“Yes. If it’s with the right person, I would. Or maybe I’d just elope. I want to be married but I don’t need all the fanfare of a big ceremony,” I tell him.

“Why? Is it really that important for you to get married eventually?”

“I don’t know,” I say cautiously. I want to have a life partner. I want the commitment. But I’m afraid if I tell him that, he’ll run and I won’t be able to catch him. “What about you? Have you ever thought about getting married?”

“I’m not ever going to get married. I don’t see the point. It’s a piece of paper, and it’s the very thing that often tears people apart,” he says.

“Well, we’ll have to agree to disagree.” I sigh. “Come on, let’s go. We can’t be late.”
