Page 19 of Tempting Love

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I searched for the right words. “It’s good. Easy, really. I love taking care of Maggie. It doesn’t seem like work.”

“Is it weird living with someone you don’t know that well?”

“He’s gone most of the day, and when he’s home, I spend most of my time in my room.” I’d managed to excuse myself from dinner the rest of the week after that first one. When I’d wandered out of my room after Maggie’s bedtime, I’d find my meal in the fridge, wrapped in cellophane, with my name on a Post-it.

It was sweet and unnecessary.

She tipped her head to the side. “You’re avoiding him?”

Dropping the last toy into the basket, I sat next to her. “I wouldn’t say that. I’m giving Sam time alone with his daughter. I’m sure he’s not used to living with anyone either.”

“You’re always welcome to come here.”

“I might.” It would be good to get out. I tried to take Maggie to as many places during the day as possible to give her an array of social experiences, and we’d had a playdate with Amelia one day after school. Maggie loved the library, the parks, and even the music classes at the new band store that had recently opened.

“Are you happy here?” Elle asked, her voice quiet.

My forehead wrinkled. “You mean in Telluride?”


“It’s not California.” And that’s all that mattered. I missed the beach and the ocean breeze, but the crisp Telluride air came without any expectations.

“Is that a good thing?”

After everything I went through? “Absolutely.”

Elle leaned forward. “Are you ever going to tell me what happened?”

My heart beat rapidly in my chest. “Let’s just say you warned me I was headed down a path that wasn’t good for me.”

Elle sucked in a breath.

I didn’t want her worrying about me, so I said, “I got out. That’s all that matters.”

Her brow furrowed. “Did something happen?”

I racked my brain for something innocuous that would satisfy Elle’s curiosity. “I figured out TV wasn’t for me. That world was toxic.”

Elle nodded. “But were you hurt in the process?”

I closed my eyes briefly, remembering the pain of finding out I’d been used. “It’s nothing I can’t get past.”

Elle shot me a look. “That doesn’t make me feel good.”

Gray yelled down the stairway. “Amelia wants you to do her hair. Apparently, I don’t do it right.”

Elle rolled her eyes. “Are you dumping water on her head with that cup again?”

“Well, yeah. How else are you supposed to get the shampoo out?” Gray grumbled.

“Be right back,” Elle said with a huff as she went upstairs.

I said my good-byes while they were reading a bedtime story to Amelia. I never wanted to tell Elle what really happened. I didn’t want her to feel responsible.

It wasn’t her fault. She didn’t need to take that on. Besides, I was a big girl and could deal with the fallout.

Even if a part of me was reminding me that I hadn’t dealt with anything. Instead, I was hiding out in Telluride.
