Page 72 of Tempting Love

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“Sam, Sam, Sam,” I chanted, needing something, but not sure what to ask for.

“I’ve got you,” he said as he thrust harder, deeper, hitting that spot again and again. I bit my lip as the pressure built until it exploded.

“So fucking beautiful,” he said as he thrust one more time, erupting inside me.

He lowered his face to the spot between my neck and shoulder, and he kissed me there before falling to the side. He stroked the strands of hair from my face.

“That was—” Indescribable. Incredible. Nothing I’d ever experienced before.

He lifted up to kiss me. “I’ll be right back.”

I wondered if he was regretting this already. Was he thinking about Maggie and what this meant? The euphoria quickly gave way to panic.

The water ran, and finally, the bed dipped as he gathered me into his arms. “You’re freaking out.”

My throat was already tightening up. I couldn’t deny it, so I didn’t say anything.

“That was incredible. Life altering.”

“I thought so too.” I didn’t want to be naïve and assume that’s how sex felt between adults, and I’d just never been lucky enough to experience it for myself. But he seemed to think it was special as well.

“You’re perfect.”

My heart clenched in response to his words. I wanted to argue that I was far from that, but I wanted to see what he did. I wanted to be the person he thought I was. And maybe who I would have been had my childhood been different.

I drifted off in his arms, safe and secure, not remembering a time when I’d ever felt the same.

I woke slowly to the smell of breakfast cooking. The bed next to me was empty, the sheets cold. Sam’s internal clock must wake him up at the same time every day. I sat up, stretching as I looked at his room for the first time.

The room was filled with dark, masculine furniture. It was clean and tidy, the clothes folded on top of his dresser to be put away later. I hadn’t doubted him, but I was pleased to find that he was telling the truth last night; there weren’t any visible devices.

Not that people couldn’t use tiny cameras to spy, but I didn’t believe Sam would ever do something like that. It still warmed my heart that he sought to reassure me in that way. Instead of feeling exposed after revealing my truth to him, I felt almost refreshed. As if telling someone cleared the air around me. I felt less shame and more hope.

Energized, I got up, gathering my clothes in my arms, and hurried to my room for fresh ones. I hastily threw my hair into a messy bun. I didn’t want to waste time showering when I wasn’t sure how much time we had before Maggie returned.

In the kitchen, Sam stood in front of the stove in his signature sweats, shirtless and barefoot. His back was toned, and the muscles rippled as he moved.

I slipped my arms around his middle, pressing my front to his back. “You look delicious this morning.”

He covered my hand with his before turning in my arms. “You do too.”

I tipped my head to the side, giving him a look. “I’m not in anything fancy.”

He stroked a thumb over my jaw. “You’re warm from my bed. It’s my favorite look on you.”

I smiled, covering my heart with my hand. “You’re sweet.”

He kissed me softly. “I only tell the truth.”

I flushed, warm all over from his care with me. He knew I needed trust and honesty, and he was giving me that.

When he broke away to check the food cooking on the stove, I asked, “How much time do we have before Maggie is here?”

“My mom’s bringing her back around eleven. She wanted to make her a big breakfast.”

Glancing at the clock, I saw it was only nine. “Lucky us.”

He faced the stove, a spatula in one hand and the other over my shoulder. “We have plenty of time for sustenance and a shower.”
