Page 90 of Tempting Love

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“Not one who hasn’t been the primary caretaker. That’s been you. Even with us helping you when she was a baby, her care fell primarily on you.”

“She’s not happy about Alice.”

Mac chuckled without any humor. “I expect she wouldn’t be.”

Mac didn’t know about Alice and me. But I needed someone to talk to about this. Our involvement wasn’t any of Felicia’s business. It would only give her more reason to be irritated with the situation. The one that allowed me to work without anxiety over what was happening at home. “Maggie’s happy with Alice. That’s all that should matter.”

“Yeah, as long as you’re not sleeping with her nanny.”

I grimaced. “You make it sound crass.”

Mac’s lips twitched. “You didn’t deny it.”

“It’s not like that. I like her.”

“It never sounds good when you’re sleeping with your kid’s nanny, especially to the mother.”

I ran a hand through my hair. “The way you say it discounts everything else.” The way I felt when I was around Alice. How amazing she was with Maggie. How much I was falling in love with her. I couldn’t have Felicia come back and screw everything up. Not when we were so new. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

“I’m sure you had an inkling something like this would happen eventually. Or did you really think your ex would be okay with you having a live-in nanny who looks like Alice?”

“I think she lost the chance to have a say on the matter when she left.”

Mac leaned against the porch railing. “You know it’s not that simple.”

I clenched my teeth. “I won’t let her come between us.”

Mac tipped his head to the side. “Is Alice worth this fight?”

I didn’t want to lose Maggie, but Mac said it was unlikely, given I was the primary caregiver. But would a judge be okay with me screwing the live-in nanny? I had to admit it didn’t sound good, even if the reality was something different. “I think I’m falling for her.”

Mac was quiet, just studying me. “Does she realize what’s at stake?”

I hung my head. “I’ll need to talk to her about my ex coming.”

“I expect she won’t like this situation either.”

“It’s more about Maggie than us. We have to do what’s best for her.”

Mac crossed his arms over his chest. “And what’s best is Maggie seeing her mother?”

“I guess. I’m just trying to do the best I can here.”

Mac chuckled. “Keeping your dick out of the nanny might have been a good idea.”

A few seconds later, Alice walked up the sidewalk. Her gaze shot from Mac to me. “Are we interrupting?”

I hadn’t even realized she’d arrived. She must have parked down the street because the crew’s trucks were arriving and parking in the driveway.

“Not at all.” I broke off because Maggie launched herself at me.

“We brought cupcakes,” Maggie said proudly from her perch on my hip.

“Come on, pipsqueak. Show me these cupcakes,” Mac said as I let her down. She took his hand, talking about the flavors she picked.

I hoped Alice hadn’t overhead Mac.

