Page 94 of Tempting Love

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I needed to get home to make plans for my first workshop and prepare mentally for Felicia’s visit. Sam said she usually stayed at the house, which was disturbing. Would she expect to stay in my room?

A chill settled over me like the mist on a cool morning. I shivered as I held my hand out to Maggie. “Let Daddy get back to work.”

Sam walked us out and helped Maggie into her car seat. I didn’t let out the breath I’d been holding until we were driving away. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Felicia’s visit would be good for Maggie. I was sure she missed her mother. I wondered if her visit was the beginning of the end for Sam and me.

But that was the old Alice talking. The one who didn’t believe in herself or her judgment. I’d grown since then. I trusted Sam, didn’t I?

The problem was that Felicia had the power to blow everything up, our makeshift family, our relationship, and my bond with Maggie and Sam.

We spent the afternoon designing my flyers and eating a snack and playing games. Then we played dolls until Sam came home.

We went through our usual evening routine, figuring out what to eat for dinner, cooking, and then picking a game to play. It was comforting. I could easily fall into this, getting used to more evenings like this.

But I couldn’t help but wonder if Felicia would get to do the same things with them. Would she cook with them? Play a game? Watch a movie on the couch? Did Felicia sing with Maggie? I knew Maggie had a mother, but picturing her here was different.

After Maggie was tucked into bed, Sam came to me. “I need you tonight.”

“Are you sure?” I’d felt unsettled since this afternoon.

“Never been surer of anything.” He held out his hand, and I took it.

There were so many variables, and I knew I couldn’t control the outcome, but I wanted to be with him. I wanted these little moments with him. He’d said he was falling for me, so it was safe for me to let go too, right?

I had a niggling feeling that I should be creating more space between us. But as he led me to his bedroom and shut the door, I couldn’t summon the will to resist him.

He kissed me, his hand cradling the back of my head as he angled me just right. The other rested lightly under my breast. I arched into him, needing to feel him against me, wanting his hands to cover my breast, touching my aching nipple.

“Sam.” I needed the confirmation that I was his.

He backed me up until my knees hit the bed, and then we were tumbling down, his hard body covering mine, his hands everywhere, diving under my shirt and pushing it up. The air cooling my overheated skin.

It was dark, and there was a sense that we had to be quiet. It made everything more intense.

Sam reared up, tearing off his shirt and shucking his jeans and briefs. I did the same, needing to feel him.

This time when he covered me, his skin was hot against mine. It was like a fire, heating every inch of my skin that he touched.

His cock settled between my legs, sliding through my folds. I bit my lip against the sensation. It was more intense because he was bare. I wanted him to slide inside, just the tip, then more, but that would be reckless. Crazy.

And I wasn’t like that anymore. “Condom.”

He reached over me to grab one from his nightstand, sheathed himself, then entered me in one smooth motion. There was no teasing or going slow. The muscles in his arms rippled as he braced his hands on the bed on either side of my body and moved inside me.

I lifted my hips, meeting his thrusts. The orgasm built swiftly, easily overcoming me, and when it hit, he covered my mouth with his, swallowing my cries.

The orgasm went on and on, seemingly never-ending, as I spasmed around his cock. Finally, he settled deep, shuddered, and rested his forehead against my shoulder. I held him to me, not wanting this moment to end.

I wished he’d have drawn everything out and slowed it down. It was intense. We didn’t have the luxury of taking our time, with Maggie just down the hall, but I wished we did.

He rolled off, taking care of the condom, and then joined me in bed.

I grabbed my clothes, feeling slightly panicked. I couldn’t quite trace the source, but I needed to get out of here, create some space.

“Where are you going?” he asked as he tugged me back.

“I should go back to my room. Maggie.”

“Stay for a little while. I want to hold you.”
